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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing B, E, H, M and 2S

BEHAVIOURISMSbehaviourisms n. Plural of behaviourism.
BEHAVIOURISM n. the psychological theory that behaviour is governed by conditioning rather than internal processes and that by changing behaviour patterns it is possible to treat psychological disorders, also BEHAVIORISM.
BISMUTHINITESbismuthinites n. Plural of bismuthinite.
BISMUTHINITE n. a grey mineral consisting of bismuth sulphide in orthorhombic crystalline form.
BLANDISHMENTSblandishments n. Plural of blandishment.
BLANDISHMENT n. something that tends to coax or cajole.
BLASPHEMOUSLYblasphemously adv. In blasphemous manner.
BLASPHEMOUS adv. related to blasphemy.
BLEPHAROSPASMblepharospasm n. (Medicine) A physiological condition characterized by recurring involuntary twitches or closing of the eyelids.
BLEPHAROSPASM n. a form of constant winking.
ELASMOBRANCHSelasmobranchs n. Plural of elasmobranch.
ELASMOBRANCH n. any member of the Elasmobranchii, that include sharks, rays, and skates.
ESTABLISHMENTestablishment n. The act of establishing; a ratifying or ordaining; settlement; confirmation.
establishment n. The state of being established, founded, etc.; fixed state.
establishment n. That which is established; as a form of government, a permanent organization, business or force, or…
HAEMATOBLASTShaematoblasts n. Plural of haematoblast.
HAEMATOBLAST n. a blood platelet, also HEMATOBLAST.
HARBORMASTERSharbormasters n. Plural of harbormaster.
harbor␣masters n. Plural of harbor master.
HARBORMASTER n. one in charge of a harbour.
IMPERISHABLESimperishables n. Plural of imperishable.
IMPERISHABLE n. something imperishable.
MESOBENTHOSESMESOBENTHOS n. flora and fauna living at the bottom of seas 182 to 914 metres deep.
MISBEHAVIOURSmisbehaviours n. Plural of misbehaviour.
MISBEHAVIOUR n. bad behaviour, also MISBEHAVIOR.
PHLEBOTOMISESphlebotomises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of phlebotomise.
PHLEBOTOMISE v. to perform phlebotomy on, also PHLEBOTOMIZE.
PHLEBOTOMISTSphlebotomists n. Plural of phlebotomist.
PHLEBOTOMIST n. one who carries out phlebotomies.
SCHUSSBOOMERSschussboomers n. Plural of schussboomer.
SCHUSSBOOMER n. a very proficient schusser.
STABLISHMENTSstablishments n. Plural of stablishment.
STABLISHMENT n. the act of stablishing.
TOMBOYISHNESStomboyishness n. The state or condition of being tomboyish; the behaviour of a tomboy.
TOMBOYISHNESS n. the state of being tomboyish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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