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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing B, 4S and U

ABSTRUSENESSabstruseness n. The property of being abstruse; abstrusity.
ABSTRUSENESS n. the state of being abstruse.
ABSURDNESSESabsurdnesses n. Plural of absurdness.
ABSURDNESS n. the state of being absurd.
BLISSFULNESSblissfulness n. The characteristic of being blissful.
BLISSFULNESS n. the state of being blissful.
BLUISHNESSESBLUISHNESS n. the state of being bluish.
BUSINESSIESTBUSINESSY adj. relating to business.
OBTUSENESSESobtusenesses n. Plural of obtuseness.
OBTUSENESS n. the state of being obtuse.
ROBUSTNESSESrobustnesses n. Plural of robustness.
ROBUSTNESS n. the state of being robust.
SCABROUSNESSscabrousness n. Scabrosity.
SCABROUSNESS n. the state of being scabrous.
SNUBBINESSESSNUBBINESS n. the quality of being snubby, inclined to snub or check.
STRABISMUSESstrabismuses n. Plural of strabismus.
STRABISMUS n. a squint, also STRABISM.
STRESSBUSTERstressbuster n. (Informal) Any technique that works against mental stress.
STRESSBUSTER n. any product intended to relieve stress.
STUBBINESSESSTUBBINESS n. the state of being stubby.
SUBASSEMBLESSUBASSEMBLE v. to assemble a part of.
SUBPROCESSESsubprocesses n. Plural of subprocess.
subprocesses v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of subprocess.
SUBPROCESS n. part of a process.
SUBSISTENCESsubsistences n. Plural of subsistence.
SUBSISTENCE n. the minimum (as of food and shelter) necessary to support life.
SUBTLENESSESsubtlenesses n. Plural of subtleness.
SUBTLENESS n. the state of being subtle.
SUPERBNESSESSUPERBNESS n. the quality of being superb.
USABLENESSESUSABLENESS n. the state of being usable, also USEABLENESS.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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