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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing B, 2N, O and 2T

ANTIABORTIONantiabortion adj. Opposed to the practice or legalization of abortion.
anti-abortion adj. Alternative spelling of antiabortion.
ANTIABORTION adj. opposed to abortion.
ANTITHROMBINantithrombin n. A small molecule that inactivates several enzymes of the coagulation system.
ANTITHROMBIN n. a substance in blood preventing coagulation of blood.
BABINGTONITEbabingtonite n. A mineral occurring in triclinic crystals approaching pyroxene in angle, and of a greenish black color…
BABINGTONITE n. a triclinic basic silicate of iron and calcium, occurring as glassy greenish-black crystals.
BUTTONHOLINGbuttonholing v. Present participle of buttonhole.
buttonholing n. The act of detaining someone in conversation against his or her will.
BUTTONHOLE v. to detain in talk, also BUTTONHOLD.
CONCUBITANTSCONCUBITANT n. someone of a suitable age for marriage.
CONTABESCENTcontabescent adj. Wasting away gradually.
CONTABESCENT adj. wasting away; atrophied.
CONTRIBUTINGcontributing v. Present participle and gerund of contribute.
CONTRIBUTE v. to give or supply in common with others.
CONTRIBUTIONcontribution n. Something given or offered that adds to a larger whole.
contribution n. An amount of money given toward something.
contribution n. The act of contributing.
INHABITATIONinhabitation n. The act of inhabiting, or the state of being inhabited; indwelling.
inhabitation n. Abode; place of dwelling; residence.
inhabitation n. Population; inhabitants.
LABANOTATIONlabanotation n. (Choreography) A system for documenting body movement.
LABANOTATION n. a method of writing down the movements, etc., of ballet diagrammatically.
MISBUTTONINGmisbuttoning v. Present participle of misbutton.
MISBUTTON v. to button wrongly.
NOBILITATINGnobilitating v. Present participle of nobilitate.
NOBILITATE v. to ennoble.
NOBILITATIONnobilitation n. (Obsolete) The act of making noble.
NOBILITATION n. the act of nobilitating, ennobling.
NONBOTANISTSnonbotanists n. Plural of nonbotanist.
NONBOTANIST n. one who is not a botanist.
NONCOMBATANTnoncombatant n. Alternative form of non-combatant.
non-combatant n. A non-fighting member of the armed forces.
non-combatant n. A civilian in time of conflict.
NONTURBULENTnonturbulent adj. Not turbulent.
NONTURBULENT adj. not turbulent.
OBTRUNCATINGobtruncating v. Present participle of obtruncate.
OBTRUNCATE v. to cut or lop off the head of.
SUBCONTINENTsubcontinent n. A large landmass which is either smaller than a continent (such as Greenland), or part of an even larger…
subcontinent prop.n. The Indian subcontinent, South Asia.
Subcontinent prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of subcontinent (“the Indian subcontinent”).
TOMBSTONINGSTOMBSTONING n. (slang) the activity of diving off cliffs into the sea.
TURBINATIONSturbinations n. Plural of turbination.
TURBINATION n. being shaped like a turbinate, a scroll.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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