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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing B, 2I, M, O and P

AICHMOPHOBIAaichmophobia n. The fear of needles and other pointed or sharp objects.
AICHMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects.
AMBIOPHONIESAMBIOPHONY n. the reproduction of sound to create an illusion to a listener of being in a spacious room, such as a concert hall.
AMPHIBIOUSLYamphibiously adv. In the manner of an amphibian.
amphibiously adv. In an amphibious manner.
AMPHIBIOUS adv. adapted for both land and water.
AMPHIBOLITESamphibolites n. Plural of amphibolite.
AMPHIBOLITE n. rock composed of amphibole; hornblende.
BIOCOMPUTINGbiocomputing n. (Computing) The design and construction of computers containing biological components.
biocomputing n. (Computing) The application of computing to the biological sciences; bioinformatics.
BIOCOMPUTING n. the application of computers to problems in biology and biochemistry.
IMPRISONABLEimprisonable adj. Capable of being imprisoned.
imprisonable adj. (Law, of an offence) Carrying a sentence of imprisonment.
IMPRISONABLE adj. capable of being imprisoned.
IMPROBATIONSimprobations n. Plural of improbation.
IMPROBATION n. in Scots law, an action for the purpose of declaring some instrument false or forged.
INCOMPATIBLEincompatible adj. Of two things: that cannot coexist; not congruous because of differences; unable to function together…
incompatible adj. (Chemistry) Incapable of being together without mutual reaction or decomposition, as certain medicines.
incompatible n. (Medicine, chemistry, chiefly in the plural) An incompatible substance; one of a group of things that…
INCOMPATIBLYincompatibly adv. In an incompatible manner.
INCOMPATIBLE adv. incapable of association or harmonious coexistence.
POSSIBILISMSpossibilisms n. Plural of possibilism.
POSSIBILISM n. the policy of confining efforts to what is immediately possible or practicable.
PROBABILISMSprobabilisms n. Plural of probabilism.
PROBABILISM n. the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
SUBOPTIMISEDSUBOPTIMISE v. to optimize to an inferior degree, also SUBOPTIMIZE.
SUBOPTIMISESSUBOPTIMISE v. to optimize to an inferior degree, also SUBOPTIMIZE.
SUBOPTIMIZEDsuboptimized v. Simple past tense and past participle of suboptimize.
SUBOPTIMIZE v. to optimize to an inferior degree, also SUBOPTIMISE.
SUBOPTIMIZESsuboptimizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of suboptimize.
SUBOPTIMIZE v. to optimize to an inferior degree, also SUBOPTIMISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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