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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing B, H, N and 3O

BRONCHOSCOPEbronchoscope n. A form of endoscope for inspecting the bronchial tubes.
BRONCHOSCOPE n. an instrument for examining the windpipe.
BRONCHOSCOPYbronchoscopy n. (Medicine) A technique for viewing the bronchi using a flexible instrument called a bronchoscope.
BRONCHOSCOPY n. examination of the bronchi.
BUTTONHOOKEDbuttonhooked v. Simple past tense and past participle of buttonhook.
BUTTONHOOK v. to make a kind of offensive play in American football.
ETHNOBIOLOGYethnobiology n. (Biology) The study of the relationships between plants and animals and human cultures.
ETHNOBIOLOGY n. the branch of biology involving the study of the traditional uses of plants and animals in various human societies.
GERONTOPHOBEgerontophobe n. One who has gerontophobia.
GERONTOPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of old age.
NEIGHBORHOODneighborhood n. The residential area near one’s home.
neighborhood n. The inhabitants of a residential area.
neighborhood n. A formal or informal division of a municipality or region.
ODONTOPHOBIAodontophobia n. An irrational fear of dentistry.
ODONTOPHOBIA n. the fear of teeth.
PHONOPHOBIASphonophobias n. Plural of phonophobia.
PHONOPHOBIA n. fear of noise or of speaking aloud.
PHOTOBOMBINGphotobombing n. The practice or phenomenon of making an unexpected appearance in a photograph, especially with the deliberate…
photobombing v. Present participle of photobomb.
PHOTOBOMB v. to place oneself in the background of a photograph deliberately and without the knowledge of the photographer or subject.
RHOMBOHEDRONrhombohedron n. A prism with six faces, each a rhombus.
RHOMBOHEDRON n. a parallelepiped whose faces are rhombuses.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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