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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing B, 2G, 2I and S

BILLINGSGATEbillingsgate n. Profane, abusive language; coarse words.
billingsgate v. (Transitive) To use abusive language towards.
BILLINGSGATE n. coarsely abusive language.
BIRDDOGGINGSBIRDDOGGING n. the act of controlling closely with unceasing vigilance.
BOBSLEIGHINGbobsleighing v. Present participle of bobsleigh.
BOBSLEIGHING n. the act of travelling by bobsleigh.
BOWSTRINGINGbowstringing v. Present participle of bowstring.
BOWSTRING v. to strangle with a bowstring.
BURGLARISINGburglarising v. (Britain) present participle of burglarise.
BURGLARISE v. to commit burglary, also BURGLARIZE.
BUSHFIGHTINGbushfighting n. Fighting in the bush, or from behind bushes, trees, or thickets.
BUSHFIGHTING n. fighting in the bush.
DISEMBOGUINGdisemboguing v. Present participle of disembogue.
DISEMBOGUE v. (Spanish) to discharge or pour forth from the mouth (as from a river).
GLOBIGERINASGLOBIGERINA n. a minute marine invertebrate of the genus Globigerina, with a calcareous shell of globose chambers in a spiral.
MISBEGINNINGMISBEGIN v. to begin wrongly.
OBLIGINGNESSobligingness n. The quality of being obliging; the tendency to cater for the desires of others.
OBLIGINGNESS n. the state of being obliging.
REBEGINNINGSrebeginnings n. Plural of rebeginning.
WEIGHBRIDGESweighbridges n. Plural of weighbridge.
WEIGHBRIDGE n. a machine for weighing vehicles with their loads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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