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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing B, D, O, S and 2U

BUTTONMOULDSbuttonmoulds n. Plural of buttonmould.
BUTTONMOULD n. the small core of plastic, wood, or metal that is the base for buttons covered with fabric, leather, etc.
DOUBTFULNESSdoubtfulness n. The state or quality of being doubtful; doubt; uncertainty.
DOUBTFULNESS n. the state of being doubtful.
DUMBFOUNDERSdumbfounders n. Plural of dumbfounder.
DUMBFOUNDER v. to strike dumb; to confuse with astonishment, also DUMBFOUND, DUMFOUND, DUMFOUNDER.
FAUXBOURDONSFAUXBOURDON n. (French) a type of improvised polyphony, popular in England from the 15th century to the Reformation, also FABURDEN.
GROUNDBURSTSgroundbursts n. Plural of groundburst.
GROUNDBURST n. the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground level.
HEBETUDINOUShebetudinous adj. Displaying mental lethargy or dullness.
HEBETUDINOUS adj. dull or lethargic, esp. relating to the mind.
HOUSEHUSBANDhousehusband n. A man who tends to his home as a housekeeper or homemaker; the male equivalent of a housewife.
house␣husband n. Alternative form of househusband.
HOUSEHUSBAND n. a husband who does housekeeping usually while his wife earns the family income.
OUTBLUSTEREDoutblustered v. Simple past tense and past participle of outbluster.
OUTBLUSTER v. to surpass in bluster.
OUTBUILDINGSoutbuildings n. Plural of outbuilding.
OUTBUILDING n. a building such as a barn, stable, etc. separate from, but used in connection with, a dwelling-house or a main building.
SUBAUDITIONSsubauditions n. Plural of subaudition.
SUBAUDITION n. understanding of something not expressed.
SUBDELIRIOUSSUBDELIRIOUS adj. mildly or intermittently delirious.
SUBFEUDATIONsubfeudation n. Alternative form of subinfeudation.
SUBFEUDATION n. subinfeudation.
SUBFEUDATORYsubfeudatory adj. Alternative form of subinfeudatory.
subfeudatory n. Alternative form of subinfeudatory.
SUBFEUDATORY adj. of or like a subfeu.
SUBINTRODUCESUBINTRODUCE v. to bring in surreptitiously or subtly.
SUPERABOUNDSsuperabounds v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of superabound.
SUPERABOUND v. to be superabundant.
TUBERCULOSEDtuberculosed adj. Affected with tuberculosis.
UNLIBIDINOUSunlibidinous adj. Not libidinous.
UNLIBIDINOUS adj. not libidinous.
UNOBSTRUCTEDunobstructed adj. Not obstructed.
unobstructed v. Simple past tense and past participle of unobstruct.
UNOBSTRUCTED adj. not obstructed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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