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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, D, L, O, T and Y

ADOPTABILITYadoptability n. The property of being adoptable.
ADOPTABILITY n. the quality of being adoptable.
ALLOANTIBODYalloantibody n. An antibody involved in alloimmunity.
ALLOANTIBODY n. an antibody.
BLINDSTOREYSBLINDSTOREY n. a storey without windows, such as a gallery in a Gothic church, also BLINDSTORY.
BLOODTHIRSTYbloodthirsty adj. Thirsty for blood: inexorably violent or eager for bloodshed; murderous.
bloodthirsty adj. Of a book, film, etc.: depicting much violence; gory, violent.
bloodthirsty adj. (Humorous) Of a mosquito, tenaciously seeking to draw blood.
CARBONYLATEDcarbonylated adj. Subjected to carbonylation.
CARBONYLATE v. to introduce the carbonyl group into.
CARBOXYLATEDcarboxylated v. Simple past tense and past participle of carboxylate.
carboxylated adj. (Chemistry) Converted into a carboxylic acid, normally by the oxidation of an alcohol or aldehyde.
CARBOXYLATE v. to introduce carboxyl or carbon dioxide into (a compound) with formation of a carboxylic acid.
DEAMBULATORYdeambulatory n. (Dated) A covered place in which to walk; an ambulatory.
deambulatory adj. Going about from place to place; wandering.
DEAMBULATORY n. a place for walking around or about in.
DEMONSTRABLYdemonstrably adv. In such a manner that is capable of being demonstrated, shown, or proved.
DEMONSTRABLE adv. capable of being demonstrated.
DETONABILITYdetonability n. A measure of the readiness with which an explosive will detonate under specified conditions.
DETONABILITY n. the state of being detonable.
LIBIDINOSITYlibidinosity n. Lustful desires, characterized by lewdness; sensuality; lascivity.
LIBIDINOSITY n. the state of being libidinous.
MODULABILITYmodulability n. The property of being modulable.
MODULABILITY n. the capability of being modulated.
MOLYBDENITESmolybdenites n. Plural of molybdenite.
MOLYBDENITE n. a sulphide of molybdenum.
MOULDABILITYmouldability n. Alternative spelling of moldability.
MOULDABILITY n. the quality of being mouldable, also MOLDABILITY.
ROUNDABOUTLYroundaboutly adv. In a roundabout manner; indirectly.
ROUNDABOUT adv. circuitous.
UNDOUBTINGLYundoubtingly adv. Without doubting.
UNDOUBTING adv. not doubting.
UNTROUBLEDLYuntroubledly adv. In an untroubled way.
UNTROUBLED adv. not troubled.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 82 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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