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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing B, D, H, I and 2O

BIOHAZARDOUSbiohazardous adj. Constituting a biohazard.
BIOHAZARDOUS adj. of or like a biohazard.
BLOODTHIRSTYbloodthirsty adj. Thirsty for blood: inexorably violent or eager for bloodshed; murderous.
bloodthirsty adj. Of a book, film, etc.: depicting much violence; gory, violent.
bloodthirsty adj. (Humorous) Of a mosquito, tenaciously seeking to draw blood.
BOROHYDRIDESborohydrides n. Plural of borohydride.
BOROHYDRIDE n. a compound of boron and hydrogen, used as a reducing agent.
BRANCHIOPODSbranchiopods n. Plural of branchiopod.
BRANCHIOPOD n. any of a subclass of Crustacea with numerous flattened, leaf-shaped, lobed swimming-feet.
BROMHIDROSESBROMHIDROSIS n. foul-smelling sweat; body odor, also BROMIDROSIS.
BROMHIDROSISbromhidrosis n. Alternative form of bromidrosis.
BROMHIDROSIS n. foul-smelling sweat; body odor, also BROMIDROSIS.
DISHONORABLEdishonorable adj. Without honor, or causing dishonor.
dishonorable adj. Lacking respect for ethical principles. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
DISHONORABLE adj. lacking honor, also DISHONOURABLE.
DISHONORABLYdishonorably adv. In a dishonorable manner.
DISHONORABLE adv. lacking honor, also DISHONOURABLE.
DROMOPHOBIASDROMOPHOBIA n. a fear of crossing streets.
HYDROBIOLOGYhydrobiology n. (Biology) The study of the biology of the organisms that inhabit bodies of water.
HYDROBIOLOGY n. the study of aquatic organisms.
HYDROPHOBIAShydrophobias n. Plural of hydrophobia.
HYDROPHOBIA n. the morbid fear of water, as in rabies victims.
HYPERBOLOIDShyperboloids n. Plural of hyperboloid.
HYPERBOLOID n. a solid figure in which some of the plane sections are hyperbolas.
NEIGHBORHOODneighborhood n. The residential area near one’s home.
neighborhood n. The inhabitants of a residential area.
neighborhood n. A formal or informal division of a municipality or region.
ODONTOPHOBIAodontophobia n. An irrational fear of dentistry.
ODONTOPHOBIA n. the fear of teeth.
SHADOWBOXINGshadowboxing n. A form of solo exercise, involving throwing punches at the air, and not at an opponent.
shadowboxing v. Present participle of shadowbox.
shadow-boxing v. Present participle of shadow-box.
THIRDBOROUGHthirdborough n. (Obsolete) The head of a frankpledge.
thirdborough n. (Obsolete) The constable of a tithing or township.
THIRDBOROUGH n. (historical) an under-constable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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