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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing B, 2D, I and 2R

BOROHYDRIDESborohydrides n. Plural of borohydride.
BOROHYDRIDE n. a compound of boron and hydrogen, used as a reducing agent.
BRADYCARDIACbradycardiac adj. Of, pertaining to or afflicted with bradycardia.
BRADYCARDIAC adj. having an abnormally low rate of heartbeat.
BRADYCARDIASbradycardias n. Plural of bradycardia, which can refer to types of bradycardia, cases of bradycardia, or episodes of bradycardia.
BRADYCARDIA n. an abnormally slow heart rate.
BRIDGEBOARDSbridgeboards n. Plural of bridgeboard.
BRIDGEBOARD n. a board on both sides of a staircase that is cut to support the treads and risers.
DECARBURISEDdecarburised v. Simple past tense and past participle of decarburise.
DECARBURISE v. to remove carbon or carbon dioxide from, also DECARBURIZE.
DECARBURIZEDdecarburized v. Simple past tense and past participle of decarburize.
DECARBURIZE v. to remove carbon or carbon dioxide from, also DECARBURISE.
DECEREBRISEDDECEREBRISE v. to deprive of the cerebrum, also DECEREBRIZE.
DECEREBRIZEDdecerebrized v. Simple past tense and past participle of decerebrize.
DECEREBRIZE v. to deprive of the cerebrum, also DECEREBRISE.
GRIDDLEBREADGRIDDLEBREAD n. bread made on a griddle.
THUNDERBIRDSthunderbirds n. Plural of thunderbird.
Thunderbirds n. Plural of Thunderbird.
THUNDERBIRD n. in North American Indian lore, a huge bird personifying thunder and lightning.
UNBARRICADEDunbarricaded adj. Not barricaded.
unbarricaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of unbarricade.
UNBARRICADE v. to remove a barricade from.
UNDERBIDDERSunderbidders n. Plural of underbidder.
UNDERBIDDER n. one who underbids.
UNDERBRIDGESunderbridges n. Plural of underbridge.
UNDERBRIDGE n. a bridge carrying a road or railway.
UNDERBUILDERunderbuilder n. A subordinate or assistant builder.
UNDERBUILDER n. a subordinate or assistant builder.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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