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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing B, C, P, S, T and U

BANKRUPTCIESbankruptcies n. Plural of bankruptcy.
BANKRUPTCY n. the state of being bankrupt.
BICUSPIDATESBICUSPIDATE n. a tooth having two cusps, also BICUSPID.
PERTURBANCESperturbances n. Plural of perturbance.
PERTURBANCE n. perturbation.
PREPUBESCENTprepubescent adj. Before the age at which a person begins puberty.
prepubescent n. A person who has not begun puberty.
PREPUBESCENT n. one who is prepubertal.
PROSECUTABLEprosecutable adj. Able to be prosecuted.
PROSECUTABLE adj. capable of being prosecuted.
PUBLICATIONSpublications n. Plural of publication.
PUBLICATION n. the act of publishing.
PUTRESCIBLESPUTRESCIBLE n. something capable of putrescence.
SUBAPOSTOLICsubapostolic adj. Pertaining to the period after the apostolic age (the time of Christ’s apostles) and the early Catholic…
SUBAPOSTOLIC adj. of the time just after that of the apostles.
SUBCOMPONENTsubcomponent n. A lesser or secondary component.
SUBCOMPONENT n. a subordinate component.
SUBDUPLICATEsubduplicate adj. (Mathematics) Expressed by the square root; said of ratios.
SUBDUPLICATE adj. expressed by a square root.
SUBINSPECTORsubinspector n. A subordinate inspector.
sub-inspector n. Alternative form of subinspector.
SUBINSPECTOR n. a subordinate inspector.
SUBJECTSHIPSSUBJECTSHIP n. the state of being a subject.
SUBOCCIPITALsuboccipital adj. (Anatomy) Situated under, or posterior to, the occiput.
suboccipital n. (Anatomy, colloquial) Any of the group of suboccipital muscles.
SUBOCCIPITAL adj. below the occiput.
SUBPOTENCIESsubpotencies n. Plural of subpotency.
SUBPOTENCY n. the state (in a drug) of being subpotent, having less than normal potency.
SUBSCRIPTIONsubscription n. Access to a resource for a period of time, generally for payment.
subscription n. The formal acceptance of something, especially when verified with a signature.
subscription n. The signing of one’s name.
SUBSCRIPTIVEsubscriptive adj. Of or pertaining to a subscription, or signature.
SUBSCRIPTIVE adj. relating to subscription.
SUBSPECIALTYsubspecialty n. A specialty within a specialty.
SUBSPECIALTY n. a subordinate specialty, also SUBSPECIALITY.
SUPERBITCHESsuperbitches n. Plural of superbitch.
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.
SUPERCABINETsupercabinet n. (Politics) A political cabinet with special powers or abilities.
SUPERCABINET n. a cabinet above other cabinets.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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