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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing B, C, H, 2S and T

BACKSTITCHESbackstitches n. Plural of backstitch.
backstitches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of backstitch.
BACKSTITCH n. a stitch made by setting the needle back of the end of the last stitch, and bringing it out in front of the end.
BATHYSCAPHESbathyscaphes n. Plural of bathyscaphe.
BATHYSCAPHE n. a submersible observation chamber, also BATHYSCAPH.
BENTHOSCOPESBENTHOSCOPE n. a submersible sphere from which to study deep-sea life.
BIOETHICISTSbioethicists n. Plural of bioethicist.
BIOETHICIST n. a practitioner of bioethics, the study of the ethical problems produced by medical research etc.
BIOPHYSICISTbiophysicist n. A biologist or physicist whose speciality is biophysics.
BIOPHYSICIST n. a practitioner of biophysics.
BITCHINESSESbitchinesses n. Plural of bitchiness.
BITCHINESS n. the state of being bitchy.
BLASTOCHYLESBLASTOCHYLE n. the fluid in a blastocoel.
BOTCHINESSESBOTCHINESS n. the state of being botchy, full of botches.
BRONCHITISESbronchitises n. Plural of bronchitis.
BRONCHITIS n. inflammation, acute or chronic, of the bronchial tubes or any part of them.
SCRATCHBACKSscratchbacks n. Plural of scratchback.
SCRATCHBACK n. a backscratcher.
SUBJECTSHIPSSUBJECTSHIP n. the state of being a subject.
SUPERBITCHESsuperbitches n. Plural of superbitch.
SUPERBITCH n. (offensive) a highly-placed aggressive female.
SWITCHBLADESswitchblades n. Plural of switchblade.
switchblades v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of switchblade.
switch-blades n. Plural of switch-blade.
SWITCHBOARDSswitchboards n. Plural of switchboard.
SWITCHBOARD n. a board or frame bearing apparatus for making or breaking an electric current or circuit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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