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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing B, C, G, I, O and U

BECLAMOURINGbeclamouring v. Present participle of beclamour.
BECLAMOUR v. to make a clamour, also BECLAMOR.
BIOCOMPUTINGbiocomputing n. (Computing) The design and construction of computers containing biological components.
biocomputing n. (Computing) The application of computing to the biological sciences; bioinformatics.
BIOCOMPUTING n. the application of computers to problems in biology and biochemistry.
BLOCKBUSTINGblockbusting n. (US) A technique used to encourage people to sell their property by giving the impression that a neighborhood…
blockbusting adj. Having the characteristics of a blockbuster; hugely successful.
BLOCKBUSTING n. the act of bringing about the sale of property in an area by stirring up fears of racial change.
BLOODSUCKINGbloodsucking adj. (Of an insect or animal) That draws off the blood of another animal, or a person.
bloodsucking adj. (By extension, of a person) parasitic, leechlike or freeloading.
blood-sucking adj. Alternative form of bloodsucking.
BLUESTOCKINGbluestocking n. (Usually derogatory) A scholarly, literary, or cultured woman.
bluestocking n. (Historical) A member of an 18th-century Blue Stockings Society.
bluestocking n. (Historical) The English parliament of 1653, more commonly called the Barebones Parliament.
CALLIBOGUSESSorry, definition not available.
CONCUBINAGESconcubinages n. Plural of concubinage.
CONCUBINAGE n. the cohabitation of persons not legally married.
CONTRIBUTINGcontributing v. Present participle and gerund of contribute.
CONTRIBUTE v. to give or supply in common with others.
COPUBLISHINGcopublishing v. Present participle of copublish.
co-publishing v. Present participle of co-publish.
COPUBLISH v. to publish in collaboration with someone else.
CRYOGLOBULINcryoglobulin n. A protein that becomes insoluble at low temperatures.
CRYOGLOBULIN n. an immunoglobulin formed in the blood in certain diseases which forms obstructions in small blood vessels when the extremities are subjected to low temperatures.
CURRYCOMBINGcurrycombing v. Present participle of currycomb.
curry-combing v. Present participle of curry-comb.
CURRYCOMB v. to comb with this.
INCOAGULABLEincoagulable adj. Not coagulable.
INCOAGULABLE adj. incapable of coagulation.
OBTRUNCATINGobtruncating v. Present participle of obtruncate.
OBTRUNCATE v. to cut or lop off the head of.
OUTBALANCINGoutbalancing v. Present participle of outbalance.
OUTBALANCE v. to outweigh; to exceed in weight or effect.
OVERCLUBBINGoverclubbing v. Present participle of overclub.
OVERCLUB v. to hit a shot too far through using a club with insufficient loft.
SUBMICROGRAMsubmicrogram adj. Being or relating to a quantity of less than a microgram.
submicrogram n. An amount that is less than a microgram.
SUBMICROGRAM adj. relating to or having a mass of less than one microgram.
UNBECOMINGLYunbecomingly adv. In an unbecoming manner.
UNBECOMING adv. not becoming.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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