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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2B, O, R, S and U

BLOCKBUSTERSblockbusters n. Plural of blockbuster.
BLOCKBUSTER n. a bomb large enough to destroy a city block.
BOATBUILDERSboatbuilders n. Plural of boatbuilder.
BOATBUILDER n. one that builds boats.
BODYBUILDERSbodybuilders n. Plural of bodybuilder.
BODYBUILDER n. one who engages in bodybuilding.
BRONCOBUSTERbroncobuster n. (Chiefly US) A person who breaks horses so that they can be ridden with a saddle.
bronco-buster n. Alternative spelling of broncobuster.
bronco␣buster n. Alternative spelling of broncobuster.
BUMBERSHOOTSbumbershoots n. Plural of bumbershoot.
BUMBERSHOOT n. (US slang) umbrella.
MICROBUBBLESmicrobubbles n. Plural of microbubble.
MICROBUBBLES n. a contrast medium used with ultrasound, consisting of tiny bubbles of gas introduced into the vascular system.
OBUMBRATIONSobumbrations n. Plural of obumbration.
OBUMBRATION n. the act of obumbrating.
OMBROPHOBOUSombrophobous adj. Synonym of ombrophobic.
OMBROPHOBOUS adj. of or like an ombrophobe, a plant thriving only in desert conditions.
STUBBORNNESSstubbornness n. The state of being stubborn.
STUBBORNNESS n. the state of being stubborn.
SUBORBICULARsuborbicular adj. Almost orbicular.
SUBORBICULAR adj. almost orbicular, nearly circular.
SUPERBOMBERSsuperbombers n. Plural of superbomber.
SUPERBOMBER n. a very large bomber.
UNOBSERVABLEunobservable adj. That cannot be observed.
unobservable n. Something that cannot be observed.
UNOBSERVABLE n. something that cannot be observed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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