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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, O, 2R, T and Y

ABHORRENTLYabhorrently adv. In a manner, or to a degree, that is abhorrent; with abhorrence.
ABHORRENT adv. loathsome.
APPROBATORYapprobatory adj. Tending to approve or confirm.
APPROBATORY adj. expressing approbation.
CELEBRATORYcelebratory adj. Having the manner of, or forming part of, a celebration.
CELEBRATORY adj. serving to celebrate.
CORRUPTIBLYcorruptibly adv. In a corruptible way.
corruptibly adv. (Obsolete) With corruption, in a way that corrupts.
CORRUPTIBLE adv. that can be corrupted.
ELABORATORYelaboratory n. (Obsolete) A laboratory.
elaboratory adj. Tending to elaborate.
ELABORATORY n. (obsolete) a laboratory, also LABORATORY.
ERYTHORBATEerythorbate n. (Organic chemistry) any salt or ester of erythorbic acid.
ERYTHORBATE n. a salt of erythorbic acid that is used in foods as an antioxidant.
FREEBOOTERYfreebootery n. The act, practice, or gains of a freebooter.
OBJURGATORYobjurgatory adj. Strongly rebuking or scolding.
OBJURGATORY adj. chiding, scolding, also OBJURGATIVE.
OBSERVATORYobservatory n. A place where stars, planets and other celestial bodies are observed, usually through a telescope; also…
observatory n. A lookout (vantage point with a view of the surrounding area).
OBSERVATORY n. a building or place given over to or equipped for observation of natural phenomena (as in astronomy).
PORTRAYABLEportrayable adj. Capable of being portrayed.
PORTRAYABLE adj. that can be portrayed.
PROHIBITORYprohibitory adj. That serves to prohibit or forbid.
PROHIBITORY adj. serving to prohibit.
REPROBATORYreprobatory adj. Reprobative.
REPROBATORY adj. condemnatory, also REPROBATIVE.
RETRIBUTORYretributory adj. Of or relating to retribution; of the nature of retribution; involving retribution or repayment.
RETRIBUTORY adj. relating to retribution.
REVERBATORYreverbatory adj. Alternative form of reverberatory.
reverbatory n. Alternative form of reverberatory.
REVERBATORY n. a furnace in which the flames are made to pass over the substance being heated; a reverberatory furnace or kiln.
RUBYTHROATSrubythroats n. Plural of rubythroat.
RUBYTHROAT n. any of numerous species of humming birds, in which the male has on the throat a brilliant patch of red feathers having metallic reflections.
STORYBOARDSstoryboards n. Plural of storyboard.
storyboards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of storyboard.
STORYBOARD n. a board on which is mounted a series of rough sketches outlining a story.
SUBCONTRARYsubcontrary adj. Contrary in an inferior degree.
subcontrary n. (Logic) Either of a pair of propositions at least one of which must be true.
SUBCONTRARY n. a proposition so related to another that though both may be true they cannot both be false.
UNBROTHERLYunbrotherly adj. Not brotherly; not befitting a brother.
UNBROTHERLY adj. not brotherly.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 99 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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