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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing B, 3O and 2R

BROTHERHOODbrotherhood n. The state of being brothers or a brother (also figuratively).
brotherhood n. An association or people for any purpose, such as a society of monks; a fraternity.
brotherhood n. All the people engaged in the same business, especially those of the same profession.
CORROBORANTcorroborant adj. Strengthening; supporting; corroborating.
corroborant n. Anything that gives strength or support; a tonic.
corroborant n. A piece of corroborating evidence.
CORROBORATEcorroborate v. (Transitive) To confirm or support something with additional evidence; to attest or vouch for.
corroborate v. (Transitive) To make strong; to strengthen.
CORROBORATE v. to support with evidence or authority.
CORROBOREEDCORROBOREE v. (Native Australian) to hold a kind of festivity.
CORROBOREEScorroborees n. Plural of corroboree.
CORROBOREE v. (Native Australian) to hold a kind of festivity.
FLOORBOARDSfloorboards n. Plural of floorboard.
FLOORBOARD n. a board in a floor.
FLOORDROBESfloordrobes n. Plural of floordrobe.
FLOORDROBE n. a pile of clothes left on the floor of a room.
MOTORBOATERmotorboater n. Someone who pilots a motorboat.
MOTORBOATER n. one who drives a motorboat.
OPPROBRIOUSopprobrious adj. Causing opprobrium; offensive and shameful.
OPPROBRIOUS adj. expressing contemptuous reproach; bringing disgrace.
ORTHOBORATEorthoborate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any anion derived from orthoboric acid; any salt containing this anion.
ORTHOBORATE n. a salt of orthoboric acid.
OUROBOROSESouroboroses n. Plural of ouroboros.
OUROBOROS n. (Greek) a snake eating its own tail, symbolizing totality or completion, also UROBOROS.
OVERBORROWSoverborrows v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overborrow.
OVERBORROW v. to borrow to excess.
PROABORTIONproabortion adj. Supportive of the practice and/or legalization of abortion.
pro-abortion adj. Alternative spelling of proabortion.
PROABORTION adj. favoring the legalization of abortion.
STROBOTRONSstrobotrons n. Plural of strobotron.
STROBOTRON n. a gas-filled electron tube used esp. as a source of bright flashes of light for a stroboscope.
TRIOXOBORICTRIOXOBORIC adj. designating a type of acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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