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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, 3I, N and Y

DENIABILITYdeniability n. (Uncountable) The condition of being deniable.
deniability n. (Countable) The extent to which something is deniable.
DENIABILITY n. the ability to deny something esp. on the basis of being officially uninformed.
FUNGIBILITYfungibility n. The property of a good or a commodity whereby individual units are capable of mutual substitution.
FUNGIBILITY n. the state of being fungible.
HYBRIDISINGhybridising v. Present participle of hybridise.
HYBRIDISE v. to create a hybrid, also HYBRIDIZE.
HYBRIDIZINGhybridizing v. Present participle of hybridize.
HYBRIDIZE v. to create a hybrid, also HYBRIDISE.
INDIVISIBLYindivisibly adv. In an indivisible manner.
INDIVISIBLE adv. that cannot be divided.
INEDIBILITYinedibility n. The quality of being inedible.
INEDIBILITY n. the state of being inedible.
INHIBITEDLYinhibitedly adv. In an inhibited manner.
INHIBITEDLY adv. in the manner of being restrained or held back.
INSTABILITYinstability n. (Uncountable) The quality of being unstable.
instability n. (Physics, countable) A state that is not in equilibrium, or in which a small change has a large irreversible effect.
INSTABILITY n. the state of being unstable.
INVIABILITYinviability n. (Biology) The state or quality of not being viable.
INVIABILITY n. the state of being inviable.
LIBIDINALLYlibidinally adv. In a libidinal manner.
LIBIDINAL adv. relating to the libido.
RINSABILITYRINSABILITY n. the quality of being rinsable, also RINSIBILITY.
RINSIBILITYRINSIBILITY n. the quality of being rinsible, also RINSABILITY.
SENSIBILITYsensibility n. The ability to sense, feel or perceive; responsiveness to sensory stimuli; sensitivity.
sensibility n. Emotional or artistic awareness; keen sensitivity to matters of feeling or creative expression.
sensibility n. (Now rare, archaic) Excessive emotional awareness; the fact or quality of being overemotional.
TANGIBILITYtangibility n. The property of being tangible.
tangibility n. Something that is tangible.
TANGIBILITY n. the state of being tangible.
TENSIBILITYtensibility n. The quality or state of being tensible.
TENSIBILITY n. the state of being tensible.
VENDIBILITYvendibility n. The quality or state of being vendible, or salable.
VENDIBILITY n. the state of being vendible.
VINCIBILITYvincibility n. The quality of being vincible.
VINCIBILITY n. the state of being vincible, also VINCIBLENESS.
WINNABILITYwinnability n. The quality of being winnable; the possibility that one can win at all.
winnability n. The likelihood of winning (something).
winnability n. The chance that (a political candidate) can win; electability.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 48 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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