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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing B, G, O, R and 2U

BOURGUIGNONbourguignon n. Beef bourguignon, or a similar dish replacing beef with some other ingredient.
Bourguignon prop.n. The Romance Burgundian language or dialect.
BOURGUIGNON n. (French) a meat dish stewed with onions, mushrooms and Burgundy wine, also BOURGUIGNONNE.
BURGLARIOUSburglarious adj. Being or resembling a burglar.
BURGLARIOUS adj. (facetious) like a burglar.
GROUNDBURSTgroundburst n. The explosion of a bomb dropped from the air when it hits the ground.
GROUNDBURST n. the detonation of a nuclear warhead at ground level.
OUTBURSTINGoutbursting adj. Bursting out.
outbursting n. A bursting out; a sudden eruption.
OUTBURST v. to burst out.
SUBGLOBULARsubglobular adj. Nearly globular.
SUBGLOBULAR adj. having nearly the shape of a globe.
SUBGROUPINGsubgrouping v. Present participle of subgroup.
subgrouping n. A subgroup.
SUBGROUP v. to divide into subgroups.
SUBJUGATORSsubjugators n. Plural of subjugator.
SUBJUGATOR n. one who subjugates.
UNBURROWINGunburrowing v. Present participle of unburrow.
UNBURROW v. to bring out of a burrow.
UNDERBOUGHSUNDERBOUGH n. a lower branch of a tree.
UNDERBOUGHTunderbought v. Simple past tense and past participle of underbuy.
UNDERBUY v. to buy at a lower price than.
UNLABOURINGunlabouring adj. Not engaging in labour.
UNLABOURING adj. not labouring.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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