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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing B, G, 2I, O and P

BIBLIOPEGICbibliopegic adj. Of or pertaining to bookbinding.
BIBLIOPEGIC adj. relating to bibliopegy, the art of binding books.
BILLPOSTINGbillposting n. The sticking of posters, notices and advertisements on walls.
BILLPOSTING n. the act of posting a bill.
BIOGRAPHIESbiographies n. Plural of biography.
BIOGRAPHY n. the story of someone's life.
BIOGRAPHINGbiographing v. Present participle of biograph.
BIOGRAPH v. to write a biography of.
BIOGRAPHISEbiographise v. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of biographize.
BIOGRAPHISE v. to make the subject of a biography, also BIOGRAPHIZE.
BIOGRAPHIZEbiographize v. (Transitive) To write a biography of.
BIOGRAPHIZE v. to make the subject of a biography, also BIOGRAPHISE.
BIOPRINTINGbioprinting n. The construction of a biological structure by computer-aided, automatic, layer-by-layer deposition…
BIOPRINTING n. the construction of replacement body parts using techniques developed for three-dimensional printing.
PANBROILINGpanbroiling v. Present participle of panbroil.
pan-broiling v. Present participle of pan-broil.
PANBROIL v. to fry in a pan with little or no fat.
POTBOILINGSPOTBOILING n. the act of producing an artistic work of poor quality.
PREBIOLOGICprebiologic adj. Synonym of prebiological.
PREBIOLOGIC adj. before life, also PREBIOLOGICAL.
PROHIBITINGprohibiting v. Present participle of prohibit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
PROSCRIBINGproscribing v. Present participle of proscribe.
PROSCRIBE v. to forbid, esp. by law.
UNBISHOPINGunbishoping v. Present participle of unbishop.
UNBISHOP v. to deprive of the status of bishop.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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