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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing B, G, 3I and R

ARABICISINGarabicising v. Present participle of arabicise.
ARABICISE v. to make Arabic, also ARABICIZE.
ARABICIZINGArabicizing v. Present participle of Arabicize.
ARABICIZE v. to make Arabic.
BIOPRINTINGbioprinting n. The construction of a biological structure by computer-aided, automatic, layer-by-layer deposition…
BIOPRINTING n. the construction of replacement body parts using techniques developed for three-dimensional printing.
FIMBRIATINGfimbriating v. Present participle of fimbriate.
FIMBRIATE v. to border with a narrow band or edge.
HIBERNISINGhibernising v. Present participle of hibernise.
HIBERNIZINGHibernizing v. Present participle of Hibernize.
HYBRIDISINGhybridising v. Present participle of hybridise.
HYBRIDISE v. to create a hybrid, also HYBRIDIZE.
HYBRIDIZINGhybridizing v. Present participle of hybridize.
HYBRIDIZE v. to create a hybrid, also HYBRIDISE.
IGNIMBRITESignimbrites n. Plural of ignimbrite.
IGNIMBRITE n. a hard rock formed by fusion of the volcanic fragments and dust of a nuee ardente.
IMBITTERINGimbittering v. Present participle of imbitter.
IMBITTER v. to make bitter, also EMBITTER.
IMBRICATINGimbricating v. Present participle of imbricate.
IMBRICATE v. to lay overlapping one another.
INBRINGINGSinbringings n. Plural of inbringing.
INBRINGING n. the act of bringing in.
INEBRIATINGinebriating adj. Having intoxicating qualities.
inebriating v. Present participle of inebriate.
INEBRIATE v. to make drunk.
MINIRUGBIESMINIRUGBY n. a scaled down version of rugby.
PROHIBITINGprohibiting v. Present participle of prohibit.
PROHIBIT v. to forbid with authority.
SORBITISINGsorbitising v. Present participle of sorbitise.
SORBITISE v. to turn (a metal) into a form containing sorbite, also SORBITIZE.
SORBITIZINGsorbitizing v. Present participle of sorbitize.
SORBITIZE v. to turn (a metal) into a form containing sorbite, also SORBITISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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