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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, F, I, O, S and U

BACCIFEROUSbacciferous adj. Producing berries.
BACCIFEROUS adj. bearing berries.
BIFARIOUSLYbifariously adv. In a bifarious manner.
BIFARIOUS adv. organized in two rows.
BIOFOULINGSbiofoulings n. Plural of biofouling.
BIOFOULING n. fouling due to biological agents.
BODYSURFINGbodysurfing v. Present participle of bodysurf.
body-surfing v. Present participle of body-surf.
body␣surfing v. Present participle of body surf.
BUFFALOFISHbuffalo␣fish n. Any of several North American freshwater sucker fishes of the genus Ictiobus, similar to carp but having…
BUFFALOFISH n. a fish of the Mississippi valley.
BUFOTENINESBUFOTENINE n. a poisonous paralytic hallucinogenic drug.
BULBIFEROUSbulbiferous adj. (Botany) Producing bulbs or bulbils.
BULBIFEROUS adj. bearing bulbs.
CONFUSIBLESCONFUSIBLE n. something liable to be confused.
FEBRIFEROUSfebriferous adj. Causing fever.
FEBRIFEROUS adj. causing or having fever, also FEBRIFIC.
FIBROMATOUSfibromatous adj. Of or relating to a fibroma.
FIBROMATOUS adj. of or like a fibroma.
FIBROUSNESSfibrousness n. The state or quality of being fibrous.
FIBROUSNESS n. the state of being fibrous.
FLORIBUNDASfloribundas n. Plural of floribunda.
FLORIBUNDA n. a plant whose flowers grow in clusters.
MISDOUBTFULmisdoubtful adj. (Now rare) Misgiving; doubting, suspicious.
MISDOUBTFUL adj. (Spenser) suspicious.
MORBIFEROUSmorbiferous adj. Morbific; causing disease.
MORBIFEROUS adj. disease-bringing.
OBFUSCATINGobfuscating v. Present participle of obfuscate.
OBFUSCATE v. to darken, make obscure, confuse.
OBFUSCATIONobfuscation n. (Uncountable) The act or process of obfuscating, or obscuring the perception of something; the concept…
obfuscation n. (Uncountable) Confusion, bewilderment, or a baffled state resulting from something obfuscated, or made…
obfuscation n. (Countable) A single instance of intentionally obscuring the meaning of something to make it more difficult to grasp.
SUBMANIFOLDsubmanifold n. (Topology) A manifold which is a subset of another, so that the inclusion function is an embedding or…
SUBMANIFOLD n. in mathematics, a subset of a manifold which itself has the properties of a manifold.
SUBOFFICERSsubofficers n. Plural of subofficer.
SUBOFFICER n. an under or subordinate officer.
TUBIFLOROUStubiflorous adj. (Botany) Having tubular flowers.
TUBIFLOROUS adj. having tubular flowers.
UMBRIFEROUSumbriferous adj. Casting or making a shade; umbrageous.
UMBRIFEROUS adj. giving or bearing shade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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