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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, E, 2S, T and V

ABSOLUTIVESabsolutives n. Plural of absolutive.
ABSOLUTIVE n. a grammatical case.
ABSTERSIVESabstersives n. Plural of abstersive.
ABSTERSIVE n. an abstersive substance.
COMBUSTIVESCOMBUSTIVE n. something capable of catching fire.
OBSERVATORSobservators n. Plural of observator.
OBSERVATOR n. one who observes or takes notice.
SUBCAVITIESsubcavities n. Plural of subcavity.
SUBCAVITY n. a subordinate cavity.
SUBJECTIVESSUBJECTIVE n. the subjective case.
SUBSERVIENTsubservient adj. Useful in an inferior capacity.
subservient adj. Obsequiously submissive.
SUBSERVIENT adj. useful in an inferior capacity.
SUBSTANTIVEsubstantive adj. Of the essence or essential element of a thing.
substantive adj. Having substance; enduring; solid; firm; substantial.
substantive adj. (Law) applying to essential legal principles and rules of right.
SUBSTRATIVESUBSTRATIVE adj. relating to a substratum.
SUBSUMPTIVEsubsumptive adj. Relating to, or containing, a subsumption.
SUBSUMPTIVE adj. tending to subsume.
SUBVENTIONSsubventions n. Plural of subvention.
SUBVENTION n. the provision of assistance or financial support.
SUBVITREOUSsubvitreous adj. (Mineralogy) Having an almost vitreous lustre.
SUBVITREOUS adj. somewhat vitreous.
VANTBRASSESvantbrasses n. Plural of vantbrass.
VANTBRASS n. (Milton) armour for the forearm, also VAMBRACE, VANTBRACE.
VERBOSITIESverbosities n. Plural of verbosity.
VERBOSITY n. the state of being verbose.
VERSLIBRISTVERSLIBRIST n. one who writes free verse, also VERSLIBRISTE.
VIBRATOLESSvibratoless adj. (Music) Without vibrato.
VIBRATOLESS adj. without vibrato.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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