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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing B, E, M, O, S and V

AMBIVERSIONambiversion n. (Psychology) A personality trait having balanced characteristics of both extroversion and introversion.
AMBIVERSION n. the state of being an ambivert.
BEHAVIORISMbehaviorism n. An approach to psychology focusing on observable behavior which, generally assuming that behavior is…
BEHAVIORISM n. (US) the psychological theory that behaviour is governed by conditioning rather than internal processes and that by changing behaviour patterns it is possible to treat psychological disorders, also BEHAVIOURISM.
BOLSHEVISMSbolshevisms n. Plural of bolshevism.
Bolshevisms n. Plural of Bolshevism.
BOLSHEVISM n. being a bolshevik.
COMBUSTIVESCOMBUSTIVE n. something capable of catching fire.
IMMOVEABLESimmoveables n. Plural of immoveable.
IMMOVEABLE n. something that cannot be moved.
MISBEHAVIORmisbehavior n. (American spelling) Action or conduct that is inappropriate, improper, incorrect, or unexpected.
MISBEHAVIOR n. bad behaviour, also MISBEHAVIOUR.
MISOBSERVEDmisobserved v. Simple past tense and past participle of misobserve.
MISOBSERVE v. to observe inaccurately.
MISOBSERVESmisobserves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misobserve.
MISOBSERVE v. to observe inaccurately.
MOVABLENESSmovableness n. The quality or state of being movable; mobility.
MOVABLENESS n. the state of being movable, also MOVEABLENESS.
OBJECTIVISMobjectivism n. The state of being objective; objectivity.
objectivism n. Moral objectivism.
objectivism n. (Philosophy) Any of several doctrines that holds that all of reality is objective and exists outside of the mind.
VIBROMETERSvibrometers n. Plural of vibrometer.
VIBROMETER n. an instrument for measuring vibrations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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