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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, E, L, S, T and W

BASALTWARESBASALTWARE n. a hard fine-grained black stoneware.
BELLWETHERSbellwethers n. Plural of bellwether.
BELLWETHER n. the leading sheep of a flock; fig, a ringleader, a trendsetter.
BELOWSTAIRSbelowstairs adv. Alternative form of below stairs.
belowstairs adj. Alternative form of below stairs.
belowstairs n. Alternative form of below stairs.
BILGEWATERSbilgewaters n. Plural of bilgewater.
BILGEWATER n. the water that collects in a ship's bilge.
BLACKWATERSblackwaters n. Plural of blackwater.
BLACKWATER n. a complication of malaria.
BLOWTORCHESblowtorches n. Plural of blowtorch.
blowtorches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of blowtorch.
blow␣torches n. Plural of blow torch.
BULLETWOODSbulletwoods n. Plural of bulletwood.
bullet␣woods n. Plural of bullet wood.
BULLETWOOD n. the wood of a tropical American sapotaceous tree, widely used for construction due to its durability and toughness.
MISBESTOWALmisbestowal n. The act of misbestowing.
MISBESTOWAL n. the act of misbestowing.
SWITCHBLADEswitchblade n. A folding knife with a blade which opens automatically (under spring pressure) when a button is pressed.
switchblade v. (Transitive) To attack or cut with a switchblade.
switchblade v. (Intransitive) To spring open or up.
THIMBLEWITSTHIMBLEWIT n. a silly or dimwitted person; a dunce.
THUMBWHEELSthumbwheels n. Plural of thumbwheel.
THUMBWHEEL n. a control for various devices consisting of a partially exposed wheel that can be turned by a finger.
TUMBLEWEEDStumbleweeds n. Plural of tumbleweed.
TUMBLEWEED n. a type of plant that snaps off above the root, curls into a ball, and is blown about in the wind.
WALDSTERBENWALDSTERBEN n. (German) disease and death in forest trees and vegetation as a result of atmospheric pollution.
WATTLEBARKSWATTLEBARK n. the bark of various acacias, used for tanning.
WATTLEBIRDSwattlebirds n. Plural of wattlebird.
WATTLEBIRD n. any one of several species of the honey eater bird.
WHISTLEABLEwhistleable adj. Capable of being whistled.
WHISTLEABLE adj. that can be whistled.
WILDEBEESTSwildebeests n. Plural of wildebeest.
WILDEBEEST n. another name for the gnu.
WITNESSABLEwitnessable adj. Capable of being witnessed; observable.
WITNESSABLE adj. that can be witnessed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 118 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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