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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing B, E, I, 2N and V

CONVINCIBLEconvincible adj. Capable of being convinced or won over.
convincible adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being disproved by argument; refutable.
CONVINCIBLE adj. that can be convinced.
INNAVIGABLEinnavigable adj. Incapable of being navigated; impassable by ships etc.
INNAVIGABLE adj. that cannot be navigated.
INOBSERVANTinobservant adj. Not observant; heedless.
INOBSERVANT adj. not observant.
INVAGINABLEINVAGINABLE adj. that can be invaginated.
NONABRASIVEnonabrasive adj. Not abrasive.
nonabrasive n. A substance that is not abrasive.
NONABRASIVE adj. not abrasive.
NONBELIEVERnonbeliever n. A person who does not believe, especially regarding religion.
non-believer n. Alternative spelling of nonbeliever.
NONBELIEVER n. one who does not believe.
OVERBURNINGoverburning v. Present participle of overburn.
overburning n. The action of overburning; excessive burning.
over-burning n. Alternative form of overburning.
SUBVENTIONSsubventions n. Plural of subvention.
SUBVENTION n. the provision of assistance or financial support.
UNBELIEVINGunbelieving adj. That does not believe; incredulous, skeptical.
UNBELIEVE v. to disbelieve; to cease to believe.
UNNAVIGABLEunnavigable adj. Not navigable. Difficult or impossible to navigate.
UNNAVIGABLE adj. not navigable.
UNOBSERVINGunobserving adj. Failing to observe something; unobservant.
UNOBSERVING adj. not observing.
VINBLASTINEvinblastine n. (Biochemistry, pharmacology) A cytotoxic compound C46H58N4O9 of the alkaloid class obtained from the…
VINBLASTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle, and used to treat lymphomas and other cancers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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