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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing B, E, 2G, I and S

BAGGINESSESbagginesses n. Plural of bagginess.
BAGGINESS n. the state of being baggy.
BAGSWINGERSBAGSWINGER n. (Australian slang) a streetwalker.
BEGGARLIESTbeggarliest adj. Superlative form of beggarly: most beggarly.
BEGGARLY adj. like a beggar, very poor.
BENIGHTINGSbenightings n. Plural of benighting.
BENIGHTING n. being overtaken with night.
BESIEGINGLYbesiegingly adv. In a besieging manner.
BESPANGLINGbespangling v. Present participle of bespangle.
BESPANGLE v. to adorn with spangles.
BOGGINESSESBOGGINESS n. the state of being boggy.
BRIGANDAGESbrigandages n. Plural of brigandage.
BRIGANDAGE n. the practice of brigands.
BUDGERIGARSbudgerigars n. Plural of budgerigar.
BUDGERIGAR n. (Native Australian) an Australian parakeet.
BUGGINESSESBUGGINESS n. the state of being buggy.
GARBOLOGIESGARBOLOGY n. the study of society or culture by examining or analyzing its refuse.
SHEBAGGINGSSHEBAGGING n. the practice by a female passenger on public transport of placing a bag on the seat beside her, so denying it to another passenger.
SUGGESTIBLEsuggestible adj. Susceptible to influence by suggestion.
SUGGESTIBLE adj. easily influenced by suggestion.
SUGGESTIBLYsuggestibly adv. In a suggestible manner.
SUGGESTIBLE adv. easily influenced by suggestion.
WEBLOGGINGSWEBLOGGING n. the act of keeping a weblog.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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