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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing B, 2E, 2P and T

PALPEBRATEDPALPEBRATE v. to wink or blink repeatedly.
PALPEBRATESPALPEBRATE v. to wink or blink repeatedly.
PERCEPTIBLEperceptible adj. Able to be perceived, sensed, or discerned.
perceptible n. Anything that can be perceived.
PERCEPTIBLE adj. able to be perceived.
PERCEPTIBLYperceptibly adv. In a perceptible manner.
PERCEPTIBLE adv. able to be perceived.
PERPETRABLEperpetrable adj. Capable of being perpetrated.
PERPETRABLE adj. that can be perpetrated.
PERPETUABLEperpetuable adj. Capable of being perpetuated or continued.
PERPETUABLE adj. that can be perpetuated.
PREPUBERTALprepubertal adj. Before puberty.
PREPUBERTAL adj. occurring in prepuberty, also PREPUBERAL.
TABLETOPPEDtabletopped adj. (Of natural terrain) Having a flat top.
TABLETOPPED adj. having a tabletop.
TEENYBOPPERteenybopper n. A child, especially a girl in her preteens and early teens, who follows popular clothing fashions, music trends, etc.
teeny-bopper n. Alternative spelling of teenybopper.
TEENYBOPPER n. a teenage girl.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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