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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing B, 2E and 3L

BELLFLOWERSbellflowers n. Plural of bellflower.
BELLFLOWER n. a plant of the genus Campanula, so named from its bell-shaped flowers.
BELLICOSELYbellicosely adv. In a bellicose manner.
BELLICOSE adv. warlike.
BLAMELESSLYblamelessly adv. In a blameless manner.
BLAMELESS adv. without blame.
CANCELLABLEcancellable adj. Which can be cancelled.
CANCELLABLE adj. that can be cancelled, also CANCELABLE.
COLLECTABLEcollectable adj. Suitable for collecting.
collectable n. Anything that someone might want to collect.
COLLECTABLE adj. capable of being collected.
COLLECTIBLEcollectible adj. Worthy or suitable for collecting on historical/financial grounds, or for meeting a personal aesthetic.
collectible adj. Rightfully subject to payment.
collectible adj. That is likely to be paid.
COMPELLABLEcompellable adj. Capable of being compelled or constrained.
COMPELLABLE adj. that can be compelled.
EBULLIENTLYebulliently adv. In an ebullient manner.
EBULLIENT adv. bubbling with enthusiasm or excitement.
ILLAQUEABLEillaqueable adj. (Obsolete, nonce word) Capable of being ensnared or entrapped.
ILLAQUEABLE adj. capable of being ensnared.
KETTLEBELLSkettlebells n. Plural of kettlebell.
KETTLEBELL n. an exercising weight consisting of a heavy ball with a handle.
KLEBSIELLASklebsiellas n. Plural of klebsiella.
KLEBSIELLA n. a genus of gram-negative rodlike bacteria.
MISLABELLEDmislabelled v. Simple past tense and past participle of mislabel.
MISLABEL v. to label incorrectly or falsely.
REFUELLABLErefuellable adj. Capable of being refuelled.
REFUELLABLE adj. capable of being refuelled, also REFUELABLE.
RELABELLINGrelabelling v. Present participle of relabel.
relabelling n. An act or instance of giving something a different label.
RELABEL v. to label again.
ROLLERBLADErollerblade n. A roller skate with all wheels aligned in a single row along the sole, resembling an ice skate.
rollerblade v. To roller skate using rollerblades.
ROLLERBLADE n. (tradename) a type of roller-skate with wheels set in line resembling the blade of an ice skate.
SLEAZEBALLSsleazeballs n. Plural of sleazeball.
SLEAZEBALL n. a sleazy person, esp. one who tries to take advantage of women.
UMBELLATELYumbellately adv. In an umbellate manner.
UMBELLATE adv. having umbels, also UMBELLATED.
UMBELLULATEumbellulate adj. Having umbellules.
UMBELLULATE adj. shaped like an umbellule, a partial umbel.
UNMALLEABLEunmalleable adj. Not malleable.
UNMALLEABLE adj. not malleable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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