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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing B, D, H, O, S and U

BAWDYHOUSESbawdyhouses n. Plural of bawdyhouse.
bawdy-houses n. Plural of bawdy-house.
bawdy␣houses n. Plural of bawdy house.
BESHROUDINGbeshrouding v. Present participle of beshroud.
BESHROUD v. to cover with, or as with, a shroud.
BLOODHOUNDSbloodhounds n. Plural of bloodhound.
BLOODHOUND n. a large breed of hound formerly much used in tracking and police work.
BOOZEHOUNDSboozehounds n. Plural of boozehound.
BOOZEHOUND n. (colloquial) an alcoholic.
COPUBLISHEDcopublished v. Simple past tense and past participle of copublish.
co-published v. Simple past tense and past participle of co-publish.
COPUBLISH v. to publish in collaboration with someone else.
DEBOUCHURESdebouchures n. Plural of debouchure.
DEBOUCHURE n. (French) the mouth of a river or strait.
HARBOURSIDEharbourside n. (British spelling) An area (especially a residential area) near a harbour (often in the form of converted…
harbourside adj. Located on or near a harbour.
Harbourside prop.n. An inner-city district of Bristol, England to the north and south of the Floating Harbour.
PUNCHBOARDSpunchboards n. Plural of punchboard.
PUNCHBOARD n. a practice board used in the martial arts.
RHABDOVIRUSrhabdovirus n. Any of the rod-shaped viruses belonging to the family Rhabdoviridae.
RHABDOVIRUS n. a class of virus that includes rabies.
RHOMBOIDEUSrhomboideus n. (Anatomy) Any of the rhomboid muscles.
RHOMBOIDEUS n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDES.
SUBCHLORIDEsubchloride n. (Inorganic chemistry) A chloride that contains a smaller proportion of chlorine than the normal / typical…
SUBCHLORIDE n. a sub-compound of chloride.
UNABOLISHEDunabolished adj. Not abolished.
UNABOLISHED adj. not abolished.
UNDERBOUGHSUNDERBOUGH n. a lower branch of a tree.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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