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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing B, D, E and 3R

BARRICADERSbarricaders n. Plural of barricader.
BARRICADER n. one who barricades.
CORROBOREEDCORROBOREE v. (Native Australian) to hold a kind of festivity.
CROSSBARREDcrossbarred adj. Secured by, or furnished with, crossbars.
crossbarred adj. Made or patterned in lines crossing each other.
CROSSBAR v. to fasten with crossarms.
DEERBERRIESdeerberries n. Plural of deerberry.
DEERBERRY n. a shrub of the blueberry group; its bitter, greenish white berry.
EMBROIDERERembroiderer n. A person who embroiders.
EMBROIDERER n. one who embroiders, also BROIDERER.
REEMBROIDERreembroider v. (Transitive) To embroider again.
re-embroider v. Alternative form of reembroider.
REEMBROIDER v. to outline a design, as on lace, with embroidery stitching.
SMORREBRODSsmorrebrods n. Plural of smorrebrod.
smörrebröds n. Plural of smörrebröd.
smørrebrøds n. Plural of smørrebrød.
SURFBOARDERsurfboarder n. A person who surfboards; a surfer.
SURFBOARDER n. one who uses a surfboard.
SWORDBEARERswordbearer n. One who bears or carries a sword.
sword-bearer n. Alternative spelling of swordbearer.
SWORDBEARER n. one who carries a sword.
THREADBARERthreadbarer adj. (Rare) comparative form of threadbare: more threadbare.
THREADBARE adj. having the nap worn off so that the thread shows.
TRANSBORDERtransborder adj. Beyond the border, on the other side of the border.
UNDERBEARERunderbearer n. One who helps to bear or carry the corpse or accessories at a funeral.
UNDERBEARER n. (dialect) someone who helps to carry a coffin.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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