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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, C, 2O, S and U

ARBORACEOUSarboraceous adj. Of or relating to trees.
arboraceous adj. Abounding in trees.
ARBORACEOUS adj. pertaining to or like a tree; wooded.
BACCIVOROUSbaccivorous adj. (Zoology) Eating, or having a diet based on, berries.
BACCIVOROUS adj. eating berries.
BLOCKHOUSESblockhouses n. Plural of blockhouse.
BLOCKHOUSE n. a wooden or concrete fortification with ports or loopholes for defensive fire, observation, etc.
BLOODSUCKERbloodsucker n. An animal that drinks the blood of others, especially by sucking blood through a puncture wound; a hemovore.
bloodsucker n. (By extension) Any parasite.
bloodsucker n. (By extension) One who attempts to take as much from others as possible; a leech.
BODACIOUSLYbodaciously adv. In a bodacious manner.
BODACIOUS adv. remarkable; gutsy.
BOUNCEDOWNSbouncedowns n. Plural of bouncedown.
BOUNCEDOWN n. in Australian rules football, an occasion of restarting play by the umpire by bouncing the ball.
BUBONOCELESbubonoceles n. Plural of bubonocele.
BUBONOCELE n. an inguinal hernia; esp. that incomplete variety in which the hernial pouch descends only as far as the groin, forming a swelling there like a bubo.
CHEQUEBOOKSchequebooks n. Plural of chequebook.
cheque␣books n. Plural of cheque book.
CHEQUEBOOK n. a book containing cheques.
COMBUSTIONScombustions n. Plural of combustion.
COMBUSTION n. an act or instance of burning.
COMBUSTIOUScombustious adj. Inflammable; combustible.
combustious adj. (Figurative) turbulent.
COMBUSTIOUS adj. (Shakespeare) combustible.
COURSEBOOKScoursebooks n. Plural of coursebook.
COURSEBOOK n. a book used on an educational course.
KNOCKABOUTSknockabouts n. Plural of knockabout.
KNOCKABOUT n. a boisterous performance with horseplay.
OBFUSCATIONobfuscation n. (Uncountable) The act or process of obfuscating, or obscuring the perception of something; the concept…
obfuscation n. (Uncountable) Confusion, bewilderment, or a baffled state resulting from something obfuscated, or made…
obfuscation n. (Countable) A single instance of intentionally obscuring the meaning of something to make it more difficult to grasp.
OBFUSCATORYobfuscatory adj. Tending to obfuscate; intended to conceal the truth by confusion.
OBFUSCATORY adj. serving to obfuscate.
OBSCURATIONobscuration n. The state of being obscured.
obscuration n. A unit of measurement used in particular for smoke detectors which respond to absorption of light by…
OBSCURATION n. the act of obscuring.
OBSTRUCTIONobstruction n. The act of obstructing, or state of being obstructed.
obstruction n. Something which obstructs or impedes, either intentionally or unintentionally.
obstruction n. The condition of having the natural powers obstructed in their usual course; the arrest of the vital functions; death.
OBSTRUCTORSobstructors n. Plural of obstructor.
OBSTRUCTOR n. one who obstructs, also OBSTRUCTER.
SOURCEBOOKSsourcebooks n. Plural of sourcebook.
SOURCEBOOK n. a book of original documents for (esp. historic) study.
SUBCOLONIESsubcolonies n. Plural of subcolony.
SUBCOLONY n. a subordinate colony.
SUBECONOMICsubeconomic adj. Not of sufficient value to be exploited for money.
SUBECONOMIC adj. below the economy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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