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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing B, C, I and 3O

BIOCENOLOGYbiocenology n. (Biology) A branch of ecology involving the study of the interactions between biological communities.
BIOCENOLOGY n. the branch of ecology concerned with the relationships and interactions between the members of a natural community.
BIOCOENOSESbiocoenoses n. Plural of biocoenose.
BIOCOENOSIS n. a state of association of creatures in a certain region, also BIOCENOSIS.
BIOCOENOSISbiocoenosis n. (Biology) A community of interacting organisms that form a natural ecological unit.
BIOCOENOSIS n. a state of association of creatures in a certain region, also BIOCENOSIS.
BIOCOENOTICbiocoenotic adj. Relating to biocoenosis.
BIOCOENOTIC adj. ecological, also BIOCENOTIC.
BIOCONTROLSbiocontrols n. Plural of biocontrol.
BIOCONTROL n. pest control by biological means e.g. cane toads.
CRYOBIOLOGYcryobiology n. The study of the effects of low temperature on living organisms.
CRYOBIOLOGY n. the study of life under cold conditions.
GNOTOBIOTICgnotobiotic adj. Pertaining to gnotobiotics.
GNOTOBIOTIC adj. relating to gnotobiotics, the study of organisms in germfree conditions.
LOCOMOBILESLocomobiles n. Plural of Locomobile.
LOCOMOBILE n. an early automobile.
MONOPHOBICSMONOPHOBIC n. one suffering from monophobia.
NOVOBIOCINSnovobiocins n. Plural of novobiocin.
NOVOBIOCIN n. an antimicrobial drug used in some cases of staphylococcic or urinary tract infection.
OCHLOPHOBIAochlophobia n. A phobia, or fear, of mob-like crowds, as opposed to simply open spaces like agoraphobia or large crowds…
OCHLOPHOBIA n. the fear of crowds.
OCHLOPHOBICochlophobic adj. Having an aversion to crowds.
OCHLOPHOBIC n. a person who suffers from ochlophobia.
PHOTOPHOBICphotophobic adj. (Biology) That thrives at a relatively low light level.
photophobic adj. Of, relating to, or exhibiting photophobia.
PHOTOPHOBIC adj. having a fear of the light.
SCOPOPHOBIAscopophobia n. An unreasonable fear of being seen, or stared at.
SCOPOPHOBIA n. fear of being looked at, also SCOPTOPHOBIA.
TOCOPHOBIASTOCOPHOBIA n. an abnormal fear of giving birth or becoming pregnant.
TRIOXOBORICTRIOXOBORIC adj. designating a type of acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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