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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, C, I, L and 2T

ABLACTATIONablactation n. The weaning of a child from the breast, or of young animals from their dam.
ablactation n. (Obsolete, horticulture) Inarching.
ABLACTATION n. the weaning of a child from its mother's milk.
BALLICATTERballicatter n. Alternative form of ballicater.
BALLICATTER n. in Newfoundland, ice that forms along a shore from waves and freezing spray.
BATHOLITHICbatholithic adj. Containing or relating to batholith.
BATHOLITHIC adj. of or like a batholith, a large mass of intruded igneous rock.
BATHYLITHICBATHYLITHIC adj. like a bathylith, a mass of igneous rock that has risen from a great depth.
BATTLEPIECEbattle␣piece n. (Art) A painting, or a musical composition, representing a battle.
BATTLEPIECE n. a painting, relief, mosaic, etc., depicting a battle, usually commemorating an actual event.
BIOCATALYSTbiocatalyst n. (Biochemistry) A biochemical catalyst; normally an enzyme.
BIOCATALYST n. a substance, e.g. an enzyme, that produces or speeds up a biochemical reaction.
BLASTEMATICblastematic adj. (Biology) Connected with, or proceeding from, the blastema; blastemal.
BLASTEMATIC adj. of or like a blastema.
CASTABILITYcastability n. The quality or degree of being castable.
CASTABILITY n. the ability to be cast.
CATABOLITEScatabolites n. Plural of catabolite.
CATABOLITE n. a product of catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures.
COMMITTABLEcommittable adj. Capable of being committed.
COMMITTABLE adj. that can be committed.
ECTOBLASTICectoblastic adj. Of or relating to the ectoblast.
ECTOBLASTIC adj. relating to the ectoblast, the outer layer of the blastoderm.
ENTOBLASTICENTOBLASTIC adj. relating to the entoblast.
EXTRACTIBLEextractible adj. Alternative spelling of extractable.
EXTRACTIBLE adj. that can be extracted, also EXTRACTABLE.
INTRACTABLEintractable adj. Not tractable; not able to be managed, controlled, governed or directed.
intractable adj. (Mathematics) (of a mathematical problem) Not able to be solved.
intractable adj. (Of a problem) Difficult to deal with, solve, or manage.
INTRACTABLYintractably adv. In an intractable manner; uncontrollably; unmanageably.
INTRACTABLE adv. unmanageable, also UNTRACTABLE.
OBSTETRICALobstetrical adj. Alternative form of obstetric.
OBSTETRICAL adj. relating to the care of women during pregnancy, also OBSTETRIC.
RETRACTIBLEretractible adj. Alternative form of retractable.
RETRACTIBLE adj. that can be retracted, also RETRACTABLE.
TRIBALISTICtribalistic adj. Pertaining to tribalism.
TRIBALISTIC adj. like a tribalist.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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