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There are 20 eleven-letter words containing B, C, E, G, L and O

BECKONINGLYbeckoningly adv. So as to beckon or call near; enticingly.
BECLAMORINGbeclamoring v. Present participle of beclamor.
BECLAMOR v. to beset with noise, also BECLAMOUR.
BIBLIOPEGICbibliopegic adj. Of or pertaining to bookbinding.
BIBLIOPEGIC adj. relating to bibliopegy, the art of binding books.
BIOCENOLOGYbiocenology n. (Biology) A branch of ecology involving the study of the interactions between biological communities.
BIOCENOLOGY n. the branch of ecology concerned with the relationships and interactions between the members of a natural community.
BLASTOGENICblastogenic adj. Of or pertaining to blastogenesis.
BLASTOGENIC adj. related to blastogenesis, reproduction by budding, also BLASTOGENETIC.
CALABOGUSESCALABOGUS n. (Canadian) a Canadian drink of rum, spruce beer and molasses.
COGNOSCIBLEcognoscible adj. Capable of being known.
cognoscible adj. Liable to judicial investigation.
COGNOSCIBLE adj. cognizable, knowable.
CONGEALABLEcongealable adj. Able to congeal.
CONGEALABLE adj. that can be congealed.
CONGESTIBLEcongestible adj. Liable to become congested.
CONGESTIBLE adj. able to be congested.
CONGLOBATEDconglobated v. Simple past tense and past participle of conglobate.
CONGLOBATE v. to gather in a globe.
CONGLOBATESconglobates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of conglobate.
CONGLOBATE v. to gather in a globe.
CONSIGNABLEconsignable adj. Capable of being consigned.
CONSIGNABLE adj. that can be consigned.
CORBELLINGScorbellings n. Plural of corbelling.
CORBELLING n. corbels taken collectively.
EMBRYOLOGICembryologic adj. Embryological.
EMBRYOLOGIC adj. relating to embryology, also EMBRYOLOGICAL.
EXCOGITABLEexcogitable adj. Imaginable; able to be thought or conceived of.
EXCOGITABLE adj. that can be excogitated.
GOLDBRICKEDgoldbricked v. Simple past tense and past participle of goldbrick.
gold-bricked v. Simple past tense and past participle of gold-brick.
gold␣bricked v. Simple past tense and past participle of gold brick.
INCOGITABLEincogitable adj. Not cogitable; inconceivable.
INCOGITABLE adj. unthinkable.
OBSOLESCINGobsolescing v. Present participle of obsolesce.
OBSOLESCE v. to grow obsolescent.
PREBIOLOGICprebiologic adj. Synonym of prebiological.
PREBIOLOGIC adj. before life, also PREBIOLOGICAL.
SUBCOLLEGESsubcolleges n. Plural of subcollege.
SUBCOLLEGE n. an institution of higher learning, especially one providing a general or liberal arts education rather than technical or professional training.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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