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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, C, D, 2S and U

AMBUSCADERSambuscaders n. Plural of ambuscader.
AMBUSCADER n. one who ambuscades.
AMBUSCADOESambuscadoes n. Plural of ambuscado, ambuscades, ambushes.
AMBUSCADO n. an ambuscade, also AMBUSCADE.
CLOUDBURSTScloudbursts n. Plural of cloudburst.
cloud-bursts n. Plural of cloud-burst.
cloud␣bursts n. Plural of cloud burst.
DISCUSSABLEdiscussable adj. That can be discussed.
DISCUSSABLE adj. that can be discussed, also DISCUSSIBLE.
DISCUSSIBLEdiscussible adj. Alternative spelling of discussable.
DISCUSSIBLE adj. that can be discussed, also DISCUSSABLE.
SUBACIDNESSSUBACIDNESS n. the state of being subacid.
SUBDECISIONsubdecision n. A decision making up part of a greater decision.
SUBDECISION n. part of a decision.
SUBDIALECTSsubdialects n. Plural of subdialect.
SUBDIALECT n. a subdivision of a dialect.
SUBDISTRICTsubdistrict n. A district forming part of a larger district.
subdistrict v. (Transitive) To divide (a district) into subdistricts.
sub-district n. Alternative form of subdistrict.
SUBDUCTIONSsubductions n. Plural of subduction.
SUBDUCTION n. the process of one plate descending beneath another.
SUBLICENSEDsublicensed v. Simple past tense and past participle of sublicense.
SUBLICENSE v. to license part of one's license.
SUBPRODUCTSsubproducts n. Plural of subproduct.
SUBPRODUCT n. a subsidiary product.
SUBSIDENCESsubsidences n. Plural of subsidence.
SUBSIDENCE n. the act of subsiding, also SUBSIDENCY.
SUBSTRACTEDsubstracted v. Simple past tense and past participle of substract.
SUBSTRACT v. to subtract; to withdraw, also SUBTRACT.
SUBSTRUCTEDsubstructed v. Simple past tense and past participle of substruct.
SUBSTRUCT v. to build beneath; to lay as a foundation.
UNSCABBARDSunscabbards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unscabbard.
UNSCABBARD v. to withdraw e.g. a sword from a scabbard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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