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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing B, 2C, 2I and L

BACILLICIDEbacillicide n. (Rare) Any material that kills bacilli.
BACILLICIDE n. something which destroys bacteria.
BIOCHEMICALbiochemical adj. Of, or relating to biochemistry.
biochemical adj. Characterized by, produced by, or involving chemical processes in living organisms.
biochemical n. A chemical substance derived from a biological source.
BIOCLIMATICbioclimatic adj. Of or pertaining to the relationship between living things and climate.
bioclimatic adj. (Architecture) Focused on providing a comfortable microclimate.
BIOCLIMATIC adj. of or relating to the relations of climate and living matter.
BIOELECTRICbioelectric adj. Of or pertaining to bioelectricity.
BIOELECTRIC adj. of or relating to electric phenomena in living organisms, also BIOELECTRICAL.
BROCCOLINISBROCCOLINI n. (tradename) a cultivated variety of cabbage.
CABBALISTICcabbalistic adj. Alternative spelling of cabalistic.
CENOBITICALcenobitical adj. Alternative form of cenobitic.
CENOBITICAL adj. of or like a cenobite, also CENOBITIC, COENOBITIC.
CHOLIAMBICScholiambics n. Plural of choliambic.
CHOLIAMBIC n. a verse having an iambus in the fifth place, and a spondee in the sixth or last, also CHOLIAMB.
COCKBILLINGcockbilling v. Present participle of cockbill.
COCKBILL v. to raise the yardarm on a ship.
CONCILIABLEconciliable adj. Capable of being conciliated or reconciled.
conciliable n. A small or private assembly, especially of an ecclesiastical nature.
CONCILIABLE adj. (obsolete) that can be conciliated.
CONVICTIBLECONVICTIBLE adj. that can be convicted, also CONVICTABLE.
CONVINCIBLEconvincible adj. Capable of being convinced or won over.
convincible adj. (Obsolete) Capable of being disproved by argument; refutable.
CONVINCIBLE adj. that can be convinced.
INCOERCIBLEincoercible adj. Not to be coerced; incapable of being compelled or forced.
incoercible adj. (Physics, of a gas) Not capable of being reduced to liquid form by pressure.
incoercible adj. (Physics, archaic) That cannot be confined in, or excluded from, vessels, like ordinary fluids, gases…
PECCABILITYpeccability n. The state or quality of being peccable; liability to sin.
PECCABILITY n. the state of being peccable, liable or prone to sin.
RIBONUCLEICribonucleic adj. (Genetics) Of or pertaining to ribonucleic acid (RNA) or its derivatives.
RIBONUCLEIC adj. an acid derived from ribose.
SUBCLINICALsubclinical adj. Of a disease or injury, without signs and symptoms that are detectable by physical examination or laboratory…
subclinical adj. In diagnosis, where some criteria are met but not enough to achieve clinical status.
subclinical adj. (Medicine, of a dosage) Less than is needed for clinical reasons.
SUBCRITICALsubcritical adj. Of less than critical importance.
subcritical adj. Having a numerical value less than some critical value.
subcritical adj. (Physics) Having insufficient mass to sustain a chain reaction.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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