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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing 2B, I, 2R and T

ABBREVIATORabbreviator n. A person who abbreviates or shortens.
abbreviator n. (Roman Catholicism, historical) One of a college of seventy-two officers of the papal court whose duty…
ABBREVIATOR n. one who abbreviates.
BARBARITIESbarbarities n. Plural of barbarity.
BARBARITY n. the state of being barbaric.
BARBITURATEbarbiturate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of barbituric acid.
barbiturate n. (Pharmacology) Any of derivatives of barbituric acid that act as depressants of the central nervous…
BARBITURATE n. a sleeping drug.
BITTERBARKSbitterbarks n. Plural of bitterbark.
bitter␣barks n. Plural of bitter bark.
BITTERBARK n. an Australian tree with bitter tasting bark, used for tonic medicine.
BITTERBRUSHbitterbrush n. Any member of the genus Purshia of flowering shrubs, native to western North America.
BITTERBRUSH n. a silvery shrub of NW America.
BUTCHERBIRDbutcherbird n. Any of the magpie-like birds in the genus Cracticus, family Artamidae, of Australia and New Guinea.
butcherbird n. (US) Any of the shrikes in the genus Lanius.
butcherbird n. (South Africa) The fiscal shrike, Lanius collaris.
RABBITBRUSHrabbitbrush n. Any of various plants in the family Asteraceae, including most species of Chrysothamnus and some Ericameria.
RABBITBRUSH n. any of several low branching composite shrubs found in the US, aka chamisa.
REBARBATIVErebarbative adj. Irritating, repellent.
REBARBATIVE adj. irritating; repellent.
RHUBARBIESTRHUBARBY adj. like rhubarb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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