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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 15 eleven-letter words containing 2B, 2I, O and T

BIBLIOLATERbibliolater n. A worshipper of books, especially the Bible.
BIBLIOLATER n. one having excessive reverence for the Bible as literally interpreted; one with extravagant devotion to or dependence upon books.
BIBLIOLATRYbibliolatry n. Excessive admiration for a book.
bibliolatry n. Specifically, excessive reverence for, or worship of, the Bible or Koran, especially as taken literally.
BIBLIOLATRY n. worship of the Bible or other books.
BIBLIOTHECAbibliotheca n. (Obsolete) A library.
BIBLIOTHECA n. a collection of books; a list of books.
BIBLIOTISTSBIBLIOTIST n. one who practises bibliotics, the study of handwriting, documents, and writing materials.
BOMBILATINGbombilating v. Present participle of bombilate.
BOMBILATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBINATE.
BOMBILATIONbombilation n. A humming or booming sound.
BOMBILATION n. a buzzing or droning sound, also BOMBINATION.
BOMBINATINGbombinating v. Present participle of bombinate.
BOMBINATE v. to buzz, drone, also BOMBILATE.
BOMBINATIONbombination n. The act or sound of humming or buzzing; hum, buzz.
BOMBINATION n. a buzzing or droning sound, also BOMBILATION.
BULBOSITIESbulbosities n. Plural of bulbosity.
BULBOSITY n. the state of being bulbous.
GIBBOSITIESgibbosities n. Plural of gibbosity.
GIBBOSITY n. the state of being gibbose, of a moon, between half and full.
IMBIBITIONSimbibitions n. Plural of imbibition.
IMBIBITION n. the absorption of a liquid by a solid or a gel; the uptake of water by germinating seeds.
PROBABILISTprobabilist n. Someone who studies probability, a particular branch of mathematics.
probabilist n. (Theology, philosophy) A follower of probabilism.
PROBABILIST n. an advocate of probabilism, the belief that knowledge is always probable but never absolute.
PROBABILITYprobability n. The state of being probable; likelihood.
probability n. An event that is likely to occur.
probability n. The relative likelihood of an event happening.
SORBABILITYsorbability n. The degree to which something can absorb and/or adsorb.
SORBABILITY n. the ability to be absorbed.
TIBIOFIBULAtibiofibula n. A bone, in some reptiles, that is formed by fusion of the tibia and fibula.
TIBIOFIBULA n. a bone esp. in frogs and toads that is formed by a fusion of the tibia and fibula.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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