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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing 2B, E, H, I and S

ABOLISHABLEabolishable adj. Capable of being abolished.
ABOLISHABLE adj. able to be abolished.
BATHYBIUSESBATHYBIUS n. a substance on the sea bottom formerly thought to be living matter.
BITTERBRUSHbitterbrush n. Any member of the genus Purshia of flowering shrubs, native to western North America.
BITTERBRUSH n. a silvery shrub of NW America.
BOBSLEIGHEDbobsleighed v. Simple past tense and past participle of bobsleigh.
BOBSLEIGH v. to travel by bobsleigh.
BOBSLEIGHERbobsleigher n. Someone who participates in bobsleigh.
BRITTLEBUSHbrittlebush n. A shrub native to deserts in the southwestern US and northern Mexico, Encelia farinosa.
BURNISHABLEBURNISHABLE adj. that can be burnished.
GIBBERISHESgibberishes n. Plural of gibberish.
GIBBERISH n. rapid, gabbling talk; meaningless words.
HOBNOBBIESTHOBNOBBY adj. sociable, given to hobnobbing.
NEBBISHIESTNEBBISHY adj. like a nebbish, wimpy.
PUBLISHABLEpublishable adj. Able to be published.
publishable adj. Deserving to be published; worthy of publication.
PUBLISHABLE adj. that can be published.
RHUBARBIESTRHUBARBY adj. like rhubarb.
SEMISHRUBBYsemishrubby adj. Partly shrubby.
SEMISHRUBBY adj. partly like a shrub.
SHIBBOLETHSshibboleths n. Plural of shibboleth.
SHIBBOLETH n. (Hebrew) a slogan, catchword; a custom or usage regarded as a criterion for distinguishing membership.
SHRUBBERIEDshrubberied adj. Having a shrubbery.
SHRUBBERIED adj. having a shrubbery.
SHRUBBERIESshrubberies n. Plural of shrubbery.
SHRUBBERY n. a collection of shrubs.
SHRUBBINESSshrubbiness n. The quality of being shrubby.
SHRUBBINESS n. the state of being shrubby.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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