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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 12 ten-letter words containing B, S, 3T and U

ATTRIBUTESattributes n. Plural of attribute.
attributes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of attribute.
ATTRIBUTE v. to ascribe.
BITTERNUTSbitternuts n. Plural of bitternut.
BITTERNUT n. a North American hickory tree.
BUTTERFATSbutterfats n. Plural of butterfat.
butter-fats n. Plural of butter-fat (alternative form of butterfats).
butter␣fats n. Plural of butter fat (alternative form of butterfats).
BUTTERIESTbutteriest adj. Superlative form of buttery: most buttery.
BUTTERY adj. containing butter.
BUTTERNUTSbutternuts n. Plural of butternut.
Butternuts n. Plural of Butternut.
BUTTERNUT n. the oily nut of the North American white walnut; the tree itself.
BUTTONIESTBUTTONY adj. ornamented with a large number of buttons.
BUTTSTOCKSbuttstocks n. Plural of buttstock.
BUTTSTOCK n. the stock of a firearm in the rear of the breech mechanism.
NUTBUTTERSnut␣butters n. Plural of nut butter.
NUTBUTTER n. a butter substitute or spread made from nuts.
RIBATTUTASribattutas n. Plural of ribattuta.
RIBATTUTA n. (Italian) the slow beginning of a trill.
STATUTABLEstatutable adj. In conformity to statutes regarding size, quality etc.
statutable adj. Made or introduced by statute; proceeding from an act of legislature.
statutable adj. Describing a crime or offence regulated by statute; legally punishable.
STATUTABLYstatutably adv. In a way that conforms to statute.
STATUTABLE adv. made or introduced by statute.
SUBSTITUTEsubstitute v. (Transitive) To use in place of something else, with the same function.
substitute v. (Transitive, in the phrase "substitute X for Y") To use X in place of Y.
substitute v. (Transitive, formerly proscribed, in the phrase "substitute X with/by Y") To use Y in place of X; to replace X with Y.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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