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There are 18 ten-letter words containing B, 2O, 2R and U

BRONTOSAURbrontosaur n. Any member of the genus Brontosaurus.
BRONTOSAUR n. any of a genus of large sauropod dinosaurs of the Jurassic, also BRONTOSAURUS.
COLOURBREDcolourbred v. Simple past tense and past participle of colourbreed.
COLOURBREED v. to breed (animals or plants) to be a particular colour, also COLORBREED.
DOORBUSTERdoorbuster n. An unusually low sale price, typically offered by a retailer on a limited number of items for a limited…
FARBOROUGHFARBOROUGH n. (Shakespeare) a mispronunciation of thirdborough, also THARBOROUGH.
KOOKABURRAkookaburra n. Any of several species of kingfishers in the genus Dacelo.
KOOKABURRA n. (Native Australian) a large Australian kingfisher, with a call sounds like a raucous laugh, also GOBURRA.
OBJURGATORobjurgator n. One who objurgates; a scolder or rebuker.
OBJURGATOR n. one who objurgates.
OBSTRUCTORobstructor n. Alternative form of obstructer.
OBSTRUCTOR n. one who obstructs, also OBSTRUCTER.
OBTURATORSobturators n. Plural of obturator.
OBTURATOR n. a structure or device that closes a cavity.
OPPROBRIUMopprobrium n. (Countable, archaic) A cause, object, or situation of disgrace or shame.
opprobrium n. (Uncountable).
OPPROBRIUM n. something that brings disgrace; infamy, contempt.
OUTHARBORSoutharbors n. Plural of outharbor.
OUTHARBOR n. (Canadian) in Newfoundland, any city or town having a harbor other than the main city of St . John's.
OUTHARBOURoutharbour n. (Canada) In Newfoundland and Labrador, any city, town, or village having a harbour, other than the main…
OVERLABOURoverlabour n. Excessive labour.
overlabour v. (Transitive) To cause to labour excessively; to overwork.
overlabour v. (Transitive) To labour upon excessively; to refine unduly.
POURBOIRESpourboires n. Plural of pourboire.
POURBOIRE n. (French) a tip, gratuity.
TROUBADOURtroubadour n. An itinerant composer and performer of songs in medieval Europe; a jongleur or travelling minstrel.
TROUBADOUR n. (French) any of a class of poet-musicians flourishing esp. in southern France and northern Italy during the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries.
TURBOPROPSturboprops n. Plural of turboprop.
TURBOPROP n. a jet engine in which the turbine is coupled to a propeller.
UNBORROWEDunborrowed adj. Not borrowed.
UNBORROWED adj. not borrowed.
UROBOROSESUROBOROS n. a representation of a serpent with its tail in its mouth, symbolizing completion, totality, endlessness, etc., also OUROBOROS.
YARBOROUGHyarborough n. (Card games) A hand, in bridge or whist, that has no card with a value greater than nine (and no aces)…
Yarborough prop.n. A surname.
Yarborough n. (Bridge) A hand that contains no honors.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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