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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, 2N, R, S and U

BASERUNNERbaserunner n. (Baseball, softball) A player who is on base and is thus trying to advance to the next base.
base␣runner n. (Baseball) Alternative spelling of baserunner.
BASERUNNER n. a baseball player of the team on bat who is on base or trying to reach base.
BINTURONGSbinturongs n. Plural of binturong.
BINTURONG n. (Malay) a small Asiatic civet of the genus Arctilis.
BURNISHINGburnishing v. Present participle of burnish.
burnishing n. A polishing.
BURNISHING n. the act of creating a burnish.
INBURSTINGINBURST v. to burst into.
INDIRUBINSindirubins n. Plural of indirubin.
INDIRUBIN n. a red crystalline substance resembling indigotin but with oxidized indoxyl rather than indoxyl nuclei.
NUMBERINGSnumberings n. Plural of numbering.
NUMBERING n. the act of numbering.
SUBINTRANTsubintrant adj. (Medicine) With paroxysms succeeding one another so fast as to be almost continuous.
SUBINTRANT adj. of fevers, with paroxysms succeeding close upon one another.
SUBRENTINGsubrenting v. Present participle of subrent.
SUBRENT v. to sublet or rent out (a property that is already rented).
SUNBURNINGsunburning v. Present participle of sunburn.
SUNBURN v. to burn by exposure to sun.
UNBUNDLERSunbundlers n. Plural of unbundler.
UNBUNDLER n. one who unbundles.
UNBURTHENSunburthens v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unburthen.
UNBURTHEN v. (archaic) to unburden; to unload.
UNSOBERINGunsobering adj. Not sobering.
UNSOBER v. to make unregulated or unrefined in manners.
URBANENESSurbaneness n. Urbanity.
URBANENESS n. the state of being urbane.
URBANISINGurbanising v. Present participle of urbanise.
URBANISE v. to cause to take on urban characteristics, also URBANIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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