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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, M, N, O and 2T

BESTOWMENTbestowment n. The act of bestowing or conferring something, especially an honour; bestowal.
bestowment n. Something, such as an honour, that is bestowed.
BESTOWMENT n. the act of giving or bestowing.
BOTTOMINGSBOTTOMING n. the act of reaching the lowest point before stabilising or improving.
BOTTOMLANDbottomland n. (Chiefly US) Flat land along a river, lying a few feet above normal high water, often consisting of…
BOTTOMLAND n. (US) alluvial deposits.
BOTTOMNESSbottomness n. (Physics) A quantum number of quarks and hadrons, determined by the number(s) of bottom quarks &…
BOTTOMNESS n. a property that characterizes quarks and hadrons.
COMBATANTScombatants n. Plural of combatant.
COMBATANT n. one engaged in combat.
COMBATTINGcombatting v. Present participle of combat.
COMBAT v. to fight against.
ENTOMBMENTentombment n. The act of entombing or the state of being entombed.
entombment n. The decommissioning of a radioactive site by encasing it in concrete.
ENTOMBMENT n. the act of entombing.
MISBUTTONSmisbuttons v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misbutton.
MISBUTTON v. to button wrongly.
MONTBRETIAmontbretia n. Any plant of the genus Crocosmia (once called Montbretia).
MONTBRETIA n. a widely cultivated plant of the African iridaceous genus Crocosmia.
MUTTONBIRDmuttonbird n. Alternative form of mutton bird.
mutton␣bird n. (Chiefly Australia, New Zealand) Any of various seabirds whose flesh is said to taste like mutton when…
MUTTONBIRD n. an Australasian shearwater, esp. the short-tailed, said by some to taste like mutton.
OBTAINMENTobtainment n. The act of obtaining something; acquisition.
OBTAINMENT n. the act of obtaining.
TOMBSTONEStombstones n. Plural of tombstone.
TOMBSTONE n. a stone erected over a grave, to preserve the memory of the deceased.
TROMBONISTtrombonist n. A person who plays the trombone.
TROMBONIST n. one who plays the trombone.
UNBOTTOMEDunbottomed adj. (Dated) bottomless.
UNBOTTOMED adj. deprived of a bottom.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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