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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, L, M, N, S and T

BELEMNITESbelemnites n. Plural of belemnite.
BELEMNITE n. a fossil pointed like a dart, being the internal shell of a cephalopod mollusc.
BEVELMENTSbevelments n. Plural of bevelment.
BEVELMENT n. the process of bevelling.
BLASTMENTSblastments n. Plural of blastment.
BLASTMENT n. (Shakespeare) a blight.
BOTULINUMSBOTULINUM n. a powerful bacterial toxin, also BOTULIN, BOTULINUS.
EMBLEMENTSemblements n. Plural of emblement.
EMBLEMENTS n. crops raised by the labour of the cultivator of land (but not tree-fruits or grass) or the profits arising from these.
LAMBASTINGlambasting v. Present participle of lambast.
lambasting v. Present participle of lambaste.
lambasting n. A harsh reprimand.
LOBSTERMANlobsterman n. A fisherman (male or female) for lobsters.
lobsterman n. (Fiction) A fictional alien or monster that looks like a lobster/human hybrid.
LOBSTERMAN n. a fisherman who catches lobsters.
LOBSTERMENlobstermen n. Plural of lobsterman.
LOBSTERMAN n. a fisherman who catches lobsters.
MONEYBELTSmoneybelts n. Plural of moneybelt.
money␣belts n. Plural of money belt.
MONEYBELT n. a belt for carrying money.
MONOSTABLEmonostable adj. (Electronics) Having more than one state, only one of which is stable.
MONOSTABLE adj. of an electronic circuit, having only one stable state but able to pass into a second state in response to an input pulse.
NIMBLEWITSNIMBLEWIT n. an alert and clever person.
RESEMBLANTresemblant adj. Having a resemblance (to).
RESEMBLANT adj. having or exhibiting resemblance.
THUMBLINGSthumblings n. Plural of thumbling.
THUMBLING n. a diminutive being, a dwarf.
THUMBNAILSthumbnails n. Plural of thumbnail.
thumbnails v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of thumbnail.
THUMBNAIL n. the nail of the thumb; a sketch as small as a thumbnail.
TREMBLINGStremblings n. Plural of trembling.
TREMBLING n. the act of trembling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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