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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, I, N, O and 2U

ALBUMINOUSalbuminous adj. Relating to, containing, or having the properties of albumen or albumin.
ALBUMINOUS adj. of or like albumen.
BITUMINOUSbituminous adj. Of or pertaining to bitumen.
bituminous n. (Uncountable) Bituminous coal.
bituminous n. (Countable) A type or grade of bituminous coal.
BOTULINUMSBOTULINUM n. a powerful bacterial toxin, also BOTULIN, BOTULINUS.
EUGLOBULINeuglobulin n. (Biochemistry) A fraction of serum proteins obtained as a precipitate by adjusting salt levels and pH.
EUGLOBULIN n. a simple protein that does not dissolve in pure water.
NUBIFEROUSnubiferous adj. Bringing, or producing, clouds; cloudy.
NUBIFEROUS adj. cloud-bringing.
NUBIGENOUSnubigenous adj. Born of, or produced from, clouds.
NUBIGENOUS adj. cloud-born.
OUTBULGINGoutbulging v. Present participle of outbulge.
OUTBULGE v. to bulge outwards.
OUTBULKINGoutbulking v. Present participle of outbulk.
OUTBULK v. to surpass in bulking.
OUTBURNINGoutburning v. Present participle of outburn.
OUTBURN v. to burn longer than.
RUBIGINOUSrubiginous adj. Alternative form of rubiginose.
RUBIGINOUS adj. rust-coloured, also RUBIGINOSE.
RUMBULLIONrumbullion n. (Obsolete) Rum, the spirit.
rumbullion n. (Archaic, colloquial) A great tumult.
RUMBULLION n. (obsolete) an older name for rum.
SUBDUCTIONsubduction n. The action of being pushed or drawn beneath another object.
subduction n. (Geology) The process of one tectonic plate moving beneath another and sinking into the mantle at a…
subduction n. The act of subducting or taking away.
SUBROUTINEsubroutine n. (Computer science) A section of code, called by the main body of a program, that implements a task.
SUBROUTINE n. a subordinate routine.
SUBSPINOUSsubspinous adj. (Anatomy) subvertebral.
subspinous adj. (Pathology) Situated beneath a spinous process, such as that of the scapula.
SUBSPINOUS adj. subvertebral.
TUBULATIONtubulation n. A tubular form.
tubulation n. (Anatomy) lateral growth of long bones.
TUBULATION n. the act of shaping or making a tube.
UBIQUINONEubiquinone n. (Organic chemistry) any of several isoprenyl quinones that have a role in cellular respiration.
UBIQUINONE n. a quinine used involved in the transfer of electrons during cell respiration.
UNDOUBLINGundoubling v. Present participle of undouble.
UNDOUBLE v. to change from a state of being doubled.
UNDOUBTINGundoubting adj. (Of persons, states of mind, beliefs, etc.) Experiencing or harboring no doubts; entirely confident.
UNDOUBTING adj. not doubting.
UNILOBULARunilobular adj. Having a single lobe or lobule.
UNILOBULAR adj. having one lobule.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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