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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, 2I, 2O and R

AEROBIOSISaerobiosis n. (Biology) Any form of life that is sustained by the presence of air (or oxygen).
AEROBIOSIS n. life in the presence of oxygen.
AEROBIOTICaerobiotic adj. Of or pertaining to aerobiosis.
AEROBIOTIC adj. related to, or of the nature of, aerobes; as, aerobiotic plants, which live only when supplied with free oxygen.
BIOMORPHICbiomorphic adj. Having the appearance of a biomorph; representing a living organism rather than an artistic or pragmatic ideal.
BIOMORPHIC adj. of or like a biomorph, a representation of a living thing as decoration.
BIOREGIONSbioregions n. Plural of bioregion.
BIOREGION n. an area in which climate and environment are consistent.
BROCCOLINIbroccolini n. A green vegetable similar to broccoli but with smaller florets and long thin stalks; a cross between…
BROCCOLINI n. (tradename) a cultivated variety of cabbage.
IMBROGLIOSimbroglios n. Plural of imbroglio.
IMBROGLIO n. (Italian) a confusing or disturbing situation, also EMBROGLIO.
MICROBIOMEmicrobiome n. (Genetics) The genetic information (genomes) of a microbiota.
microbiome n. (Biology) A microbial biome, such as the community of microbes within the human gut.
MICROBIOME n. the microscopic organisms, such as bacteria, which inhabit the human body in a symbiotic relationship.
MICROBIOTAmicrobiota n. The microbial community that inhabits a multi-cellular organism, whether the entire organism or a specific…
Microbiota prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Cupressaceae – an evergreen shrub from eastern Russia.
MICROBIOTA n. the smallest soil organisms collectively.
PROBIOTICSprobiotics n. Plural of probiotic.
PROBIOTIC n. a harmless bacterium that helps to protect the body from harmful bacteria.
PROHIBITORprohibitor n. One who prohibits.
PROHIBITOR n. one who prohibits, also PROHIBITER.
RHOMBOIDEIrhomboidei n. Plural of rhomboideus.
RHOMBOIDEUS n. a rhomboid, also RHOMBOIDES.
ROBOTICISTroboticist n. One who conceptualizes, designs, builds, programs, and experiments with robots.
ROBOTISINGrobotising v. Present participle of robotise.
ROBOTISE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTIZE.
ROBOTIZINGrobotizing v. Present participle of robotize.
ROBOTIZE v. to make automatic, also ROBOTISE.
STROBILOIDstrobiloid adj. Resembling a strobile.
STROBILOID adj. like a strobile, a scaly multiple fruit resulting from the ripening of an ament in certain plants.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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