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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 14 ten-letter words containing B, 2I, L, P and R

BAROPHILICbarophilic adj. Of or relating to a barophile.
barophilic adj. Thriving under high barometric pressure.
BAROPHILIC adj. of bacteria, able to tolerate or growing best in conditions of high atmospheric pressure, also BAROPHILE.
BIPARIETALbiparietal adj. (Anatomy) Between the two parietal bones.
BIPARIETAL adj. relating to or connected to both parietal bones.
BIPOLARISEbipolarise v. Alternative form of bipolarize.
BIPOLARISE v. to make bipolar, also BIPOLARIZE.
BIPOLARITYbipolarity n. The state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARITY n. the state of being bipolar.
BIPOLARIZEbipolarize v. To make bipolar.
BIPOLARIZE v. to make bipolar, also BIPOLARISE.
BLIMPERIESBLIMPERY n. pompous behaviour.
IMPAIRABLEimpairable adj. Able to be impaired.
IMPAIRABLE adj. that can be impaired.
IMPARTIBLEimpartible adj. Not partible; not subject to partition; indivisible.
impartible adj. Capable of being imparted or communicated; impartable.
IMPARTIBLE adj. of a field, that cannot be divided up.
IMPARTIBLYimpartibly adv. So as not to be parted or divided.
IMPARTIBLE adv. of a field, that cannot be divided up.
INSPIRABLEinspirable adj. Able to be inspired.
inspirable adj. Able to be inhaled; breathable.
INSPIRABLE adj. capable of being inspired or drawn into the lungs.
MILLIPROBEmilliprobe n. Any of various very small scientific probes, especially such a spectrometer.
MILLIPROBE n. an instrument for analysing small quantities, esp. a spectrometer.
PARBOILINGparboiling v. Present participle of parboil.
parboiling n. The act by which something is parboiled.
PARBOIL v. to cook partially by boiling for a short time.
PREBILLINGprebilling v. Present participle of prebill.
PREBILL v. to bill beforehand.
PREBOILINGpreboiling v. Present participle of preboil.
PREBOIL v. to boil beforehand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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