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There are 20 ten-letter words containing B, G, N, O and 2S

BAROGNOSESBAROGNOSIS n. the ability to judge weight.
BAROGNOSISbarognosis n. (Medicine) The ability to evaluate the weight of objects, or to differentiate objects of different weights…
BAROGNOSIS n. the ability to judge weight.
BESPOUSINGbespousing v. Present participle of bespouse.
BESPOUSE v. to marry.
BIOGENESESbiogeneses n. Plural of biogenesis.
BIOGENESIS n. the theory that all life is derived from living matter alone.
BIOGENESISbiogenesis n. The principle that living organisms are produced only from other living organisms.
biogenesis n. Biosynthesis.
BIOGENESIS n. the theory that all life is derived from living matter alone.
BLOSSOMINGblossoming v. Present participle of blossom.
blossoming n. The act or process by which something blossoms.
BLOSSOMING n. the act of blooming.
BOLOGNESESbologneses n. Plural of bolognese.
Bologneses n. Plural of Bolognese.
BOLOGNESE n. a meat and tomato sauce.
BOOMSLANGSboomslangs n. Plural of boomslang.
BOOMSLANG n. (South African) a highly venomous southern African tree-snake.
BORINGNESSboringness n. The state or condition of being boring.
BORINGNESS n. the quality of being boring.
BOWSTRINGSbowstrings n. Plural of bowstring.
BOWSTRING v. to strangle with a bowstring.
EMBOSSINGSembossings n. Plural of embossing.
EMBOSSING n. the act of decorating with raised designs.
OBSIGNATESobsignates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of obsignate.
OBSIGNATE v. to seal or confirm, also OBSIGN.
SIGNBOARDSsignboards n. Plural of signboard.
SIGNBOARD n. a board bearing a notice or serving as a shop or inn sign.
SNOWGLOBESsnowglobes n. Plural of snowglobe.
snow␣globes n. Plural of snow globe.
SNOWGLOBE n. a transparent sphere usually made of glass enclosing a miniaturized scene of some sort, often together with a model of a landscape.
SOBERISINGsoberising v. Present participle of soberise.
SOBERISE v. to make sober, also SOBERIZE.
SPONGEBAGSspongebags n. (Slang, UK) formal trousers.
spongebags n. Plural of spongebag.
sponge␣bags n. Plural of sponge bag.
SPRINGBOKSspringboks n. Plural of springbok.
Springboks prop.n. The South African national rugby union team.
SPRINGBOK n. (South African) a kind of antelope, that moves in leaps when alarmed, also SPRINGBUCK.
SUBREGIONSsubregions n. Plural of subregion.
SUBREGION n. part of a region.
SUBSOILINGsubsoiling n. Ploughing to the depth of the subsoil.
SUBSOILING n. the act of ploughing the subsoil.
SWINGBOATSswingboats n. Plural of swingboat.
SWINGBOAT n. a boat-shaped swinging carriage for fairs etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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