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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, G, L, O, R and T

BLOGGERATIbloggerati n. (Informal) Blog authors collectively.
BLOGGERATI n. those considered to be important or influential in the world of blogging.
BLOGSTREAMBLOGSTREAM n. the alternative news and information network growing up around weblogs.
BLOKARTINGBLOKARTING n. the sport of travelling by a land vehicle with a sail.
BOLSTERINGbolstering v. Present participle of bolster.
bolstering n. The act by which something is bolstered; support.
BOLSTERING n. the act of propping up.
BOOTLEGGERbootlegger n. An illegal trader of goods, especially of alcohol.
BOOTLEGGER n. one who supplies e.g. illicit whisky.
BRYOLOGISTbryologist n. A scientist specialising in bryology.
BRYOLOGIST n. one versed in bryology.
GLOBETROTSglobetrots v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of globetrot.
globe-trots n. Plural of globe-trot.
GLOBETROT v. to travel the world.
GOLDBEATERgoldbeater n. A craftsman who creates gold leaf by hammering gold bars.
gold-beater n. A person whose trade is to beat gold into gold leaf.
GOLDBEATER n. one who beats gold into gold leaf.
LOBSTERINGlobstering v. Present participle of lobster.
LOBSTERING n. fishing for lobsters.
OBLIGATORSobligators n. Plural of obligator.
OBLIGATOR n. one who obligates.
OBLIGATORYobligatory adj. Imposing obligation, legally, morally, or otherwise; binding; mandatory.
obligatory adj. Requiring a matter or obligation.
OBLIGATORY adj. binding in law or conscience.
REBOTTLINGrebottling v. Present participle of rebottle.
REBOTTLE v. to bottle again.
TIMBROLOGYtimbrology n. (Rare, obsolete) philately (the study or collection of stamps).
TIMBROLOGY n. the study of postage stamps.
TOLLBRIDGEtollbridge n. Alternative form of toll bridge.
toll␣bridge n. A bridge at which a toll is charged for passage.
TOLLBRIDGE n. a bridge where tolls are collected.
TROUBLINGStroublings n. Plural of troubling.
TROUBLING n. the act of troubling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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