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List of 10-letter words containing

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There are 15 ten-letter words containing B, G, I, O and 2T

BATOLOGISTbatologist n. A botanist who studies the genus Rubus, i.e. brambles.
batologist n. (Colloquial or humorous) Someone who studies bats (the flying mammal).
BATOLOGIST n. one who studies batology, the science of brambles.
BEKNOTTINGBEKNOT v. to tie in knots.
BESPOTTINGbespotting v. Present participle of bespot.
BESPOT v. to cover with spots.
BETROTHINGbetrothing v. Present participle of betroth.
BETROTH v. to engage to marry.
BOBBITTINGbobbitting v. Present participle of bobbitt.
BOBBITT v. to cut off the penis (of one's lover).
BOTTOMINGSBOTTOMING n. the act of reaching the lowest point before stabilising or improving.
BOYCOTTINGboycotting v. Present participle of boycott.
boycotting n. The act of something being boycotted.
BOYCOTT v. to refuse to have dealings with.
BUTTOCKINGbuttocking n. The cross-buttock throw in wrestling.
BUTTOCK v. in wrestling, to throw by the buttocks.
COMBATTINGcombatting v. Present participle of combat.
COMBAT v. to fight against.
GNOTOBIOTEgnotobiote n. Alternative form of gnotobiont.
GNOTOBIOTE n. a germfree animal.
NONBETTINGnonbetting adj. Not of, pertaining to, or participating in betting.
NONBETTING adj. not given to betting.
OBTURATINGobturating v. Present participle of obturate.
OBTURATE v. to stop up.
REBOTTLINGrebottling v. Present participle of rebottle.
REBOTTLE v. to bottle again.
UNBOTTLINGunbottling v. Present participle of unbottle.
UNBOTTLE v. to release from or as if from a bottle.
WITGATBOOMWITGATBOOM n. (South African) a South African evergreen tree with edible roots used as a coffee substitute when roasted, also WITGAT.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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